Rehousing Angry Indian Ornamental


Dec 28, 2015
Hi all, just wanted to add an update. Tonight, they were rowing again, but then the slightly smaller one started making a loud drumming on the glass. This has been going on for a few hours every couple of minutes.

I did some research and it seems to be a mating ritual. The larger spider doesn't seem interested and is now clinging to the front door - see pic.(the drummer is hidden behind the exo terra foam).

Is it possible that they weren't fighting after all, just part of their courtship? If so, should I leave them alone and hope for babies?

Thanks in advance for your advice

I think the OP is a troll.

paraphrase OP "big ones were friends"....who even THINKS like this????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit:

This post just proves my point that people should be tested before owning animals of any type.
Erm, how does asking for advice make me a troll? If everyone was an expert, then what would be the point of forums? 🤷‍♂️



Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
Hi all, just wanted to add an update. Tonight, they were rowing again, but then the slightly smaller one started making a loud drumming on the glass. This has been going on for a few hours every couple of minutes.

I did some research and it seems to be a mating ritual. The larger spider doesn't seem interested and is now clinging to the front door - see pic.(the drummer is hidden behind the exo terra foam).

Is it possible that they weren't fighting after all, just part of their courtship? If so, should I leave them alone and hope for babies?

Thanks in advance for your advice
Bruh... you have no business keeping these T’s. Stop being a turd and separate them already.

Erm, how does asking for advice make me a troll? If everyone was an expert, then what would be the point of forums? 🤷‍♂️
You asked for advice. You were given said advice. You haven’t followed advice. Do I need to dumb things down further?


Dec 28, 2015
You asked for advice. You were given said advice. You haven’t followed advice. Do I need to dumb things down further?
No need to be abusive. I am following the advice, it's only been 24 hours, I need to source another tank and cork bark - shops aren't open on a Sunday!


Feb 15, 2020
Hi all, just wanted to add an update. Tonight, they were rowing again, but then the slightly smaller one started making a loud drumming on the glass. This has been going on for a few hours every couple of minutes.

I did some research and it seems to be a mating ritual. The larger spider doesn't seem interested and is now clinging to the front door - see pic.(the drummer is hidden behind the exo terra foam).

Is it possible that they weren't fighting after all, just part of their courtship? If so, should I leave them alone and hope for babies?

Thanks in advance for your advice
You are about as ready for those Ts to have babies as I am to keep a tiger in my one bedroom apartment.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
No need to be abusive. I am following the advice, it's only been 24 hours, I need to source another tank and cork bark - shops aren't open on a Sunday!
I’m not. I’m just trying to slow it down to a 3rd graders Comprehension level. There are plenty of other stores open with containers that will get the job done. Doesn’t have to be another exoterra or similar.


Jun 2, 2016
I would suggest not letting them try to mate for several reasons. The more important is that from the picture of the enclosure with dried feces all over the walls it tells me you are not comfortable with these animals. Adding more to the
mix is a bad idea, you will have to either pull the sack or let the sack run its course and end up with a ton of spiderlings in with the parents and a much bigger issue then you have now. Pulling a sack is a whole next level situation.

Second point is you have to have a confirmed male and female. Unless you know for sure, you could have two males.

Rehousing is really the better option. It is much easier to maintain one T per enclosure, and safer for everyone overall. I would recommend watching a lot of different Poecilotheria rehousing videos. I know many do not recommend YouTube, but it will give you an opportunity of what to expect and maybe some additional ideas on how to use cardboard, cups, tanks facing each other, etc.

If you are not comfortable rehousing the best option is to find someone that will take them off your hands. No shame in letting them go, in some cases it makes the most sense.

Edit: by letting go I do not mean release outdoors…In case that gets misinterpreted.


Painter of Poorly Rendered Images
Arachnosupporter +
Dec 31, 2020
First off, listen to everyone telling you that you aren't ready for this species. If you're asking these questions.... You. Are. Not. Ready.

I am following the advice, it's only been 24 hours, I need to source another tank and cork bark - shops aren't open on a Sunday!
Shops that sell any types of storage containers are not open on Sundays? Separate these immediately.


Jun 26, 2019
I think the OP is a troll.

paraphrase OP "big ones were friends"....who even THINKS like this????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit:

This post just proves my point that people should be tested before owning animals of any type.
World Record:
Most emojis ever used by @viper69 in a post.

This thread is painful to read. I hope OP figures all this out.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2020
Seriously, why haven’t you separated these yet? You are trivializing the life of an animal.
Hi all, just wanted to add an update. Tonight, they were rowing again, but then the slightly smaller one started making a loud drumming on the glass. This has been going on for a few hours every couple of minutes.

I did some research and it seems to be a mating ritual. The larger spider doesn't seem interested and is now clinging to the front door - see pic.(the drummer is hidden behind the exo terra foam).

Is it possible that they weren't fighting after all, just part of their courtship? If so, should I leave them alone and hope for babies?

Thanks in advance for your advice
It seems like you’re trying to do mental gymnastics and looking for any reason to get out of separating them. If they were going to pair they would have by now, but it’s probably sac mates which would be bad for genetic diversity.

If they did pair, are you going to separate out hundreds of poecilotheria slings? Take the egg sac from the mother?

I tried to be nice before but this is honestly really frustrating that you haven’t done what you need to do for the safety of these animals.

At this point I’d really recommend trying to find someone else to take these from you since you’re obviously not capable of taking care of them.

Dry Desert

Active Member
Mar 9, 2016
Reply to ALL - I Have NEVER EVER come across such a Nasty Self Righteous bunch of people in my whole 75 years on this planet. You are incredibly constantly rude- Giving out Snide remarks, under the guise of being "Experts" being helpful - I DON'T Think So. You even play games with eachother at the expense of someone's emotions. Have any of you even consider that maybe the OP doesn't drive, maybe disabled, but doesn't like to mention this, or maybe just doesn't have the money to just go out and purchase tanks, or even be very worried about carrying out the transfer. NO don't consider any of these, you lot just carry on with you nasty mind games.Reading this thread just leaves me speechless. Edit. I also noticed no-one has passed any comments on my mention of breeders and retailers pushing P. regalia out in groups as being " communal" Ring any bells does it ??.
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Jun 2, 2016
Reply to ALL - I Have NEVER EVER come across such a Nasty Self Righteous bunch of people in my whole 75 years on this planet. You are incredibly constantly rude- Giving out Snide remarks, under the guise of being "Experts" being helpful - I DON'T Think So. You even play games with eachother at the expense of someone's emotions. Have any of you even consider that maybe the OP doesn't drive, maybe disabled, but doesn't like to mention this, or maybe just doesn't have the money to just go out and purchase tanks, or even be very worried about carrying out the transfer. NO don't consider any of these, you lot just carry on with you nasty mind games.Reading this thread just leaves me speechless. Edit. I also noticed no-one has passed any comments on my mention of breeders and retailers pushing P. regalia out in groups as being " communal" Ring any bells does it ??.
Since your reply was to “ALL” I want to say I think I did an okay job of explaining my reasoning for not breeding, suggesting how to find tips on rehousing, and possibly relinquishing the animals to someone if OP was not confident in owning these particular T’s.

I can empathize with the OP, I actually own a Poecilotheria that I’m not confident about and have not ruled out relinquishing mine at some point. Personally I wouldn’t throw out options I wouldn’t consider myself.


Mar 3, 2021
Just separate and redo their enclosures.The tank they are in now looks more suitable for budgies rather than pokies.
Don't keep any T's together; quite surprised they survived this long, but i suppose 4 out of the 7 didn't.


Jan 1, 2021
Reply to ALL - I Have NEVER EVER come across such a Nasty Self Righteous bunch of people in my whole 75 years on this planet. You are incredibly constantly rude- Giving out Snide remarks, under the guise of being "Experts" being helpful - I DON'T Think So. You even play games with eachother at the expense of someone's emotions. Have any of you even consider that maybe the OP doesn't drive, maybe disabled, but doesn't like to mention this, or maybe just doesn't have the money to just go out and purchase tanks, or even be very worried about carrying out the transfer. NO don't consider any of these, you lot just carry on with you nasty mind games.Reading this thread just leaves me speechless. Edit. I also noticed no-one has passed any comments on my mention of breeders and retailers pushing P. regalia out in groups as being " communal" Ring any bells does it ??.
I didnt wrote anything to this but ı still disagree if he dont have the money to buy a enclouser or if he is to worried that he cant transfer then sorry for being rude but he should not keep them and just look at the enclouser this forum is free he can just search and learn "how enclouser should be" "how to care for poecilotheria sp." Etc. He should realised and did something much before when they started ate each other it doesnt require money or healthy limbs to undrestand there is a problem if they eating each other
you are just making absurd excuses
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Apr 30, 2021
I have to fully agree with most others of this post.

I'm new to the hobby and have 24 T's in my collection, before each purchase I would spend days researching care requirements and making sure I have housing and the correct substrate and correct size food. I would never dream of ordering a T, without doing substantial research and preparation, I can see why other experienced keepers are annoyed at this kind of lack of research and irresponsibility, which has resulted in 4 T's being eaten due to being kept communally after taking bad advice from the breeder.
With OP not taking advice, people on this post are annoyed with OP. He shouldn't have brought these T's without the correct knowledge and understanding of the requirements of having to re-house these T's that are VERY quick and prone to be a bit defensive. - Now OP is scared to deal with these T's, which is right so. But should have been considered when you purchased it.

Very simple, get the 2nd enclosure. Get some cork tubs/cord hide to give the T's a place to hide and separate them asap. Posters have told OP how best to move over the T's and we want to make sure the T's are not in any further danger and will lose another due to poor keeping.

Bipolar Spider

Jul 18, 2013
Reply to ALL - I Have NEVER EVER come across such a Nasty Self Righteous bunch of people in my whole 75 years on this planet. You are incredibly constantly rude- Giving out Snide remarks, under the guise of being "Experts" being helpful - I DON'T Think So. You even play games with eachother at the expense of someone's emotions. Have any of you even consider that maybe the OP doesn't drive, maybe disabled, but doesn't like to mention this, or maybe just doesn't have the money to just go out and purchase tanks, or even be very worried about carrying out the transfer. NO don't consider any of these, you lot just carry on with you nasty mind games.Reading this thread just leaves me speechless. Edit. I also noticed no-one has passed any comments on my mention of breeders and retailers pushing P. regalia out in groups as being " communal" Ring any bells does it ??.
Not much has changed I see, well said.


Old Timer
Jan 22, 2009
Reply to ALL - I Have NEVER EVER come across such a Nasty Self Righteous bunch of people in my whole 75 years on this planet. You are incredibly constantly rude- Giving out Snide remarks, under the guise of being "Experts" being helpful - I DON'T Think So. You even play games with eachother at the expense of someone's emotions. Have any of you even consider that maybe the OP doesn't drive, maybe disabled, but doesn't like to mention this, or maybe just doesn't have the money to just go out and purchase tanks, or even be very worried about carrying out the transfer. NO don't consider any of these, you lot just carry on with you nasty mind games.Reading this thread just leaves me speechless. Edit. I also noticed no-one has passed any comments on my mention of breeders and retailers pushing P. regalia out in groups as being " communal" Ring any bells does it ??.
Yes, things could've been worded differently and not be as rude, but also consider the situation at hand. OP clearly did not do his research prior to his purchase, otherwise alarm bells would've surely rung in his head. With little to no exceptions, tarantulas do best kept singly. I'm sure that even keepers that experiment with M. balfouri most likely suffer the occasional cannibalism. Having no hides increases their chances of encountering each other, it's only a matter of time until one of them has enough and decides to deal with the other in undesirable ways.

I recall Poecs and Avics being suggested that they could be kept in small groups via de Vosjoli's Arachnomania book from 1991. I'd be curious to find out how long his communals worked before they began to eat each other. The fact remains that OP got himself into a situation that is obviously beyond his skill level, otherwise he would've bought from a more knowledgeable seller. I've noticed here that the wellbeing of the animals comes first and I can't help but agree especially when we see things like this, which could have been easily avoided, if people took the extra time to research properly before buying on impulse. It occurs too often and it's infuriating in this day and age when all the necessary information is just a click away.

If the OP cannot deal with them without getting him/herself into serious trouble, he/she should definitely consider passing them on to a more experienced keeper.


Mar 3, 2021
If you're neglectful of your animals, expect criticism.

Come to the forum, ask a question, people tell you the truth whether it hurts your feelings or not.

Every thread turns into a HR meeting on boo boo pat on the back there there it's not your fault. Welcome to real life.

Bipolar Spider

Jul 18, 2013
If you're neglectful of your animals, expect criticism.

Come to the forum, ask a question, people tell you the truth whether it hurts your feelings or not.

Every thread turns into a HR meeting on boo boo pat on the back there there it's not your fault. Welcome to real life.
From what I read he bought them communally and is asking for help on how to deal with them, first step in trying to rectify a mistake imo. Instantly followed up with "I dont know where to start with this" Yes, very helpful. Out there in the 'real world' ten's of1000's of keepers don't follow the same guidelines as people do on here. Stick around longer than a couple months and you'll see.


Mar 3, 2021
From what I read he bought them communally and is asking for help on how to deal with them, first step in trying to rectify a mistake imo. Instantly followed up with "I dont know where to start with this" Yes, very helpful. Out there in the 'real world' ten's of1000's of keepers don't follow the same guidelines as people do on here. Stick around longer than a couple months and you'll see.
But he's had them a year in the wrong set up? How many have to get eaten before you take action and reach out? (apparently 4)

Bipolar Spider

Jul 18, 2013
But he's had them a year in the wrong set up? How many have to get eaten before you take action and reach out? (apparently 4)
I understand that and I dont fault the constructive criticism, my fear is the snarky remarks just turn people away which doesn't end well for the T's which is what everyone is worried about. It's a shame that's all and possibly counter productive. I'll end it there and hope the final two regalis are homed separately.