Rehousing Angry Indian Ornamental - Update


Apr 30, 2021
Good morning guys!

I thought I'd make a separate post and update everyone on the situation and how this may come to be.

**Keep in mind - I'm still a new keeper but I have done tons of research about care, and rehousing to feel confident and knowing what speeds and temperament from the species I'm dealing with. I always believe in educating rather than berating.
This is why I wanted to step in and help both with @AntJ and re-home these amazing T's. Which has been a complete success!

@AntJ originally brought these Poecilotheria Ornata at a Bug show in the south of east England around 1-2 years ago. These were sold to him and advised by the breeder that these spiders can be kept communally. When @AntJ brought these beautiful specimens they were just tiny slings and didn't expect them to be so big 2 years later and then left in a depth over his head.
This is maybe why these T's tolerated each other as they grew from slings?

In my eyes, reaching out to this forum was @AntJ's last attempt to find ways he can safely separate and rehouse these beautiful T's, due to them finally having enough of each other and beginning to fight.

When I went to visit, @AntJ had tons of amazing bugs, including a massive Hercules beetle still in its grub form!

He had already moved the smallest P.Ornata (I'm suspecting a female) of the 3 into a separate enclosure but was in a terrestrial setup.
Which left the two boisterous males left. When I arrived, I quickly got to work and began to separate the two males, which went perfectly without any bolting and threat postures.

After a quick cuppa tea to calm my nerves from the re-house, we decided on the following:
I will be taking all 3 P.Ornata to rehouse in more suitable enclosures and a decision that I would re-home the A.seemanni that was housed in an Abeoral setup.

That just left the OBT which I recommended to keep as it looked well looked after, other than being in the wrong enclosure. I then offered to come along next weekend and rehouse the OBT into terrestrial setup and advised to grab some more substrate ready for the re-house.

With 2 of the P.Ornata in temporary enclosures, we packed all 4 T's into my car, stepped in and made my hour trip back home. Finally getting back home at 10:30 pm.
Once again, I quickly got to work cleaning enclosures and setting up some new ones.

All 3 of the T's have been rehoused into correct enclosures and I'll be grabbing some additional cork bark hides today for some extra cover.
Had one bolt on me though and ended up having a standoff trying to get him into a catch up to move into the new enclosure. Please see the photo of him on my wall. He's so pretty {D
I have rehoused the A.seemanni into a lovely enclosure but still have one left to rehouse from the original communal P.Ornata enclosure, which I'll be finishing tonight as I had to get some sleep after releasing I had been sorting these out till almost 1 am!

I have supplied photos to this post!

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Jun 2, 2016
That’s awesome. Life is one big curve ball and this is an exemplary example of how people should support one another.

@AntJ I think you did the right thing and it takes courage and trust to ask complete strangers for help. Much respect.


Old Timer
Jan 22, 2009
Gorgeous spiders ! I'm sure they'll be much more content being on their own. Good on you for helping someone in need. :)


Painter of Poorly Rendered Images
Arachnosupporter +
Dec 31, 2020
You are a saint! These little ones are beautiful and @AntJ you did the right thing by coming here to ask for help. I am so glad to see this followup post full of optimism!


Apr 30, 2021
Another update!

I've came straight back home from work and setup the 4th and final enclosure to re-home. I'm waiting on a new fake plant for extra cover, but he/she will do amazing! Very easy moves, only the confirmed male who ran along the wall gave me greif.




Apr 30, 2021
Replace the screen with drilled in acrylic.
That's going to be the final stage of the plan. I've been working on a tight time scale since I picked them up on Monday and only found time to rehome the 4th T last night. After a lot of cleaning the old enclosures too, and moving around T's safely at the same time is quite a juggle and time sink.
Hopefully should have everything needed by this weekend to finish it all off! :happy:


Dec 28, 2015
Great to see they're happy. Now the fun bit, explaining to my son tomorrow where four of his spiders have gone! 🙈😅


Old Timer
Jan 22, 2009
Great to see they're happy. Now the fun bit, explaining to my son tomorrow where four of his spiders have gone! 🙈😅
Get him a Tliltocatl albopilosus (Curly Hair). Generally the most gentle T for beginners. You can't go wrong with this species.


Jun 2, 2016
Great to see they're happy. Now the fun bit, explaining to my son tomorrow where four of his spiders have gone! 🙈😅
Just tell him they were ready to be daddies. And hopefully you already had the birds and the bees talk with him, or it might get more awkward. 😅