recently acquired millipede (gigas) injured???


Old Timer
Apr 20, 2004
Hi all,

We've had t's for years but this is our first go at millipedes. After years of "they're creepy.. they have too many legs" I caved and we brought one home LOL

He's currently in a 5 gallon tank (although the plan is to move him into a 10)with about 4 inches of damp peat.
He eats great, he's done a small amount of burrowing although he doesn't go all the way under and he doesn't stay for long. When we got him he was apparently dehydrated and seems to currently be a bit underweight (I say this only based on comparisons to others I've seen) He was in a mini kritter keeper on about an inch of dry dirt with a dried out piece of zuccini and a dead cricket :eek:
Anyway, my concern is something that we first thought was a small drop of milky fluid on one side of the 'specialized legs' that are how we id'd him as a 'he'. Since then I have discovered that the alleged 'drop' is actually dry. I wouldn't be worried were it on both sides, but I can only see it on the left. Does anyone with some experience see this as something that should cause concern? I'm kind of at a loss here.. it almost reminds me of the 'waxy' look of the joints of a T pre-moult:confused:

At any rate, thanks in advance for any help, idea, suggestions, advice etc :)

Oh! And if anyone knows any great starter books, I'd love some recommendations{D
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Old Timer
Apr 20, 2004
nope, no milli-splooge

lmao...I appreciate the input, but it doesn't look like that at all. Some of the responses on that thread were a riot though. I did do a search before I posed my question, but I missed that one!

The spot, drop, swollen area, or whatever it is looks most like a tiny drop of cooled wax. I'd love to get a picture, but it was an ordeal and an accomplishment simply to get him into a position that allowed me to be sure that whatever it is wasn't something 'oozing'.
It is 'solid' and dry and doesn't wipe away with gentle pressure.It rather appears to be a 'part' of him.

I'll keep looking and if someone here doesn't find the answer, and I do, I'll share :-D


Old Timer
Feb 21, 2007
When these pedes mate there is a bulbous part of the male gonapore that is visible during mating. If it looks similar to what you see in the pic, I think his junk is showing! :D

I don't know what kinds of risks to his health this poses, but if he's eating well and active, that's a good sign. Hopefully, keeping him hydrated and in a humid environment will help soften it, so he can retract it again. If not, it may correct itself when he molts.