Rattie family expanded... big time!!


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I started out with my one little rescue boy... Poodah
Then I found Tiffany being discriminated against in one of the chain stores
...and she needed a friend, so I got Taffy from a local breeder

Well, in all my efforts to make sure Poodah didn't have a "whoopie" session with Tiffany... he snuck one in :rolleyes:

And now, Poodah and Tiffany announce the births of their 9... unh hunh... NINE!! ...eeeping EEEPERS!

Here's the proud and protective new Mommie with her 4 day old brood...

...watching my every move, but she allows me to hold them and everything

...having some romp and stomp time on the sofa while babies sleep

...stocking up on wholesome goodies for the next round of feeding 9 mouths


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2005
Rats are the cutest moms. My friends had babies, I would hold one of the babies for a bit, and she would let me hold them for a little while, then the mom would perch up on my hand and gently pick up the baby and take her back down with the other ones. Its adorable. Good luck with them!


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
Some young seem like they will be black, and some white, are Poodah and Tiffany both white rats? Good luck with the new babies.

My sisters name is Tiffany, lol she's a rat. :)


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Thanks guys!
Tiff is a siamese with ruby eyes and Poodah is a black berky with dark eyes. I can see one little one with ruby eyes and the rest seem to have dark eyes. Four of them look like black berky or self, one dark hoodie, and the other four are light color... white, siamese, fawn, beige?? They grow and develop so fast, we'll surely know in a week or less. I can already tell who's a boy and who's a girl, I just have to take the time to actually count them.

Here's daddy Poodah...

*Tiff is named after the young girl that helped me with her at the mean chain store.
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Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
TSKTSKTSK and not sharing on the Goosemoose!! They look wonderful! LOL tell me if you need any helps :)


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Thank you both :)

Barbed... I can't share on the goose cuz they like to flame folks over there. I am new to rattie kids... Poodah came here in June... and he was not even supposed to stay. I had to nurse him every 2 hours and so on cuz he was being sold as snake food at 10 days old!!

I found out I needed a buddy for him and started looking everywhere, but also being very cautious about pet stores... was on a many a waiting list for new babies whenever they decided to breed their ratties. :rolleyes: Then I ran into little Tiff in a petsmart while shopping for new toys for Poodah. She was being discriminated against for her dumbo ears, so I brought her home thinking after QT, they could get spay/neuter and live together. Well, now I find out that I can't get them altered due to my 'beliefs', so they can't live together.... and I got Taffy... still looking for Poodah's buddy.

No need now, of course.... Poodah slipped in while he and Tiff were briefly on my shoulder together and Voila!! Poodah can have a whole team of buddies now {D

....and you know the folks over at goose... they will yell and belittle me for having an accidental litter with mere "feeder" and "chain pet store" ratties :eek:

Regardless, I love my rattie kids and they all get the best treatment... vets, organic foods, lots of "mommy" time, toys for days, etc. I've learned my lesson from my sleepless nights, constantly worrying and checking to see if Tiff is feeding her babies enough, making foods for her, and so on and so on. Poodah will be in his boy's cabin and Tiff will move back into her elaborate girl's cabin, as soon as she's able. No more shoulder jockeying with boys either... not even for a brief moment :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
Are you going to keep them all and seperate/fix them when they become mature?


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I am thinking of keeping them all or at least 2 of each gender, so both Tiffany and Poodah will have mates to play with. I have two separate cages that are fully decked out with toys, hammies, hides, etc. ...and my art/gecko/fish room is now a Rattie PlayLand, as well.

Unless I find some super homes for them with people that I trust to take care of them properly, I most likely will not be able to part with them when the time comes... and it will be very soon!

Eleven rattie kids is not a bad number... is it? :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
As long as you have room eleven rats would be a blast to have, you can have Rat Races at childrens Birthday parties.. :D


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2006
Well I've got 10 :) It is alot of fun, but alot of work too. They are really cute-good luck with them. BTW - I would not have mentioned it on goosemoose either. They like to skin people alive :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Thanks!! If any of them grow up to be like my Poodah boy... we can only have good times here! :D Poodah never ceases to make me laugh with tears or a belly ache or both, and he is the most lovable little guy I've ever met. He even fell asleep with his nose up mine the other day... he was getting a "mommy" rub down and all of a sudden felt the urge to check my nose out, then he was OUT like a light! {D ...still stuck half way up there! He's a nut!

...and there is no way I will share my rattie joy with the goose. I've witnessed some real serious flame shows over there already... even when it is clear that the person made a mistake. :eek:


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2006
Oh that's sooo cute! He sounds like a great guy. Ratties really are very special and alot of fun.

Please don't get me wrong about goosemoose. I have learned alot from them. They can be very helpful when you need it most. I have just noticed that you need to be careful what you say if you don't want to get your feelings stepped on.


Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006
Yes I learned that the hard way with that petition I'm working with. That hurt my feelings so much that one person saying I was wrong and just trying to get back at a petstore because the rattie died. I actually really cried when I read what that person wrote. Just downright mean.

I've seen them flame, I have tried not to become a part of it.

Accidents happen. Sometimes non-accidents happen. Its just a fact of life. I understand their point of veiw, yet I don't share it. If you are a resposible pet owner then you already have a place for the reats...if its with you, all the better! I mean really rats don't show until they are like 3 days away anyway. So you had no idea.

I still would reccomend getting the females spayed, not because or more baby ratties but def a part of it. Keeping them unspayed can cause pyometra (Infection of the urutrus, very deadly--someone dealing with it on goose now) cycsts to develop on the ovaries and the biggest issue is CANCER. Its drastically reduced with spaying. I know it seems expensive for a rattie thats only going to live a few years, but in the end if they wind up getting cancer (every rat I have had has died of some form of cancer or another normally at old age of 2-3yrs.) Alot of vets will work with you on payment plans especially if you do a whole litter. You will save yourself ALOT of heartache and ALOT of money preventing what you can. Spay/Neuter can be performed at 6 months.
Its actually more reccomended to spay a female than neuter a male, more benificial.

I am totally not trying to flame, just from working as a vet tech I saw this ALOT.

Totally your decision in the end just wanted you to have the knowlege of the benifits :)

Much <3 for the eeps! Give em little kissies for me!


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I have read that spaying a female does so much for prevention on her health issues, and that neutering males can really reduce "mannish" behavior and also benefit with prevention of some health issues. I will look into it further.

Poodah is my oldest rattie and he's only 4.5 months. Actually, I am not sure how old Tiffany is cuz she came from a pet store and they don't know most of the time... plus girls are so small compared to big squishy boys. Taffy is only 3.5 months, but she may be going back to live with her breeder soon (due to some behavior issues).

Anyhow, I will check with my vet and see what he'll work out with me. I still need to count little babies to see how many are boys and girls. I can tell the difference clearly... just haven't disturbed them enough to really make little piles of boys and girls yet.

And I have to clarify that I have learned a LOT of good info from the goose, but I have also witnessed quite a bit of "clique" type behavior and down right "meanness", too. I was just catching up on BarbedDragon's thread today and was really amazed at a few posts in there. I am not surprised that you cried after that one reply from the monitor owner. Anyhow...

I'm going to get Tiff out for some free range time since her bubs are snoozing. Then I have to pile everyone up in my bed next to me or I won't sleep all night, worrying about her and if they're warm enough, etc. Poodah was spoiled just like this... I'm a sucker for babies! :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
I took a few more pics this morning while trying to see how many boys and how many girls. Mommy Tiff was busy trying to keep them warm while I was busy trying to see "baby stuff" :embarrassed: Out of 9, 2 are girls, 1 is a boy and the other 6 are undecided cuz she won't let me look for long {D

She went to explore the sofa for a brief moment

There all there, at least 3 black... one definitely looks like Poppa Poodah... the runt is dark, but not sure and there's another dark, not quite black... maybe blue? and a hoodie kiddo with the rest being light colors.

See the lighter "blue" looking one on top? They are fat, arent't they? :p

Tiffany is very proud and protective... such a good girl! :D

I can't believe they are already almost 8 days old... they came last Friday afternoon.
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Old Timer
Jul 24, 2006

That gives me the warmest fuzzy feeling all OVER!! I'm so happy for you!!

It looks like I'm going to have a litter of my own soon! My hedge mommy is pregnant again (I couldn't resist) I have homes for all, and one for me {D


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
That is sooo cool... widdle hedgie babies!! {D I wish I lived closer to you... we could exchange critters ever so often... Cresties, Ratties, Hedgers :D

I got a count of babies this morning... with one good nip, no blood :razz: She's really protective, but she does great when I just hold and cuddle her :rolleyes:

5 girls...
Poodah II, down to the little "milk dribble chin" and white tipped tail
Sister, black berky without the "chin"
Blue Butt, the blue chunky butt on the top
Biggie, a beige that may turn Siamese like Mom
Tan hoodie, that may also turn like Mommy

4 boys...
Runty, blue baby
Black hoodie, beautiful markings
Speckle, black berky with a spotted black/white tail
Deer, a fawn bigg'un

Don't worry, I am only using these 'names' tentatively for my own purposes. I will be getting indy pics of each and asking everyone here to help name my Poodah Pack.

Tiff is still doing great, feeding them well and eating quite well herself! She has learned that clicking her dishes together gets my attention and a fresh snack served within minutes. :rolleyes:

I'm a lolly pop!


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2006
They are all super lovable,huggable babies!I love baby rats!I had two litters before and it was a joy raising them.I now have 21 rats...3 from a breeder,most of my rats are from my litters (I had the breeder's help and researched,so I knew what I was doing and the pros/cons) and 1 rescue.I often take in unwanted rats,but lately not many people have been contacting me about rats needing homes.

Anyway do you know which ones your keeping? Do you know which are dumbo yet?Dumbos are my favorite,followed by rexes! Rats are greyt pets!!!!They are actually my passion.They are demaning,but I am not complaining...they make me happy!

What kind of problems is Taffy having?


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Thanks! :D
I'm keeping them ALL!!! I'm just trying to figure out how to make my hubby understand this... actually, I think he knows that they are staying. We've been together long enough for him to understand how I think.
I can't tell who's dumbo yet, but someone probably is cuz Mom is. I didn't look at little whiskers up close yet, so I don't know if there will be any rex in the Poodah Pack. I didn't see any waves or curls on their coats.
Both parents were rescues... Dad more so than Mom... so background on this litter is as far as I can see with my own eyes. They are really cute, though!

Taffy is having aggression issues. I'm new to ratties, so this is a challenge for me. I have LOTS of support with people on forums and through my own network, so we are going to work our way through it. Two vets have said PTS, but I can't do it just yet. They are saying this without "seeing" her. My own Exotics vet doesn't think it's necessary to see her to make this decision or that the tests to find out what's bothering her are necessary. He was great with my Poodah boy when I first got him at 10 days old, orphaned and about to be snake snack.... but Poodah was a baby and well behaved. It's surprising how many people, even rattie lovers, find it easier to PTS or "feed off" when the rattie is misbehaved. Sorry! I'm not one of 'em. Taffy can't help it the way she is acting. She's an animal following her instincts. It's my job to figure out what is bothering her, be it environment or physical illness, and correct it as best I can. I brought her here... she didn't come knock on my door and ask to come in. It's my responsibility.
Sooo... we are working on getting used to my scent. Using gloves to go in and near the cage... her attacks are very precise and accurate. Feeding treats with a "tea" spoon, rather than just putting them in her cage or near her. Keeping my other rattie kids' scent out of her nose... this is a challenge in a 2 bedroom place and 12 ratties (9 are babies). Seeking a new Exotics vet for my rattie crew. (the other guy is fine as long as they act "normal", and he's great with my other critters... he's just too quick to have the "just get another rattie. they're cheap enough" attitude)

And as a side note: Taffy is from a "breeder". With a website and everything. She has been very "snippy" with my communications to her regarding Taffy; and especially so when I was asking her to take Taffy back. This indicates to me that she KNEW of Taffy's behavior, doesn't care either way, wants to be rid of her, is not a great breeder, and took advantage of me as a nOoB. Neither here nor there. Taffy will stay with me and get the best care I can find for her. She has a lot of supportive, loving folks on her side... and she'll have a good rattie doc as soon as I find one. (I have a huge long list from one of the rattie sites and the yellow pages and the net, etc.)

...sorry for such a long post, but my critter kids are very important to me.