Questions for a Habitat.


Jun 29, 2007
Howdy yall. It's probably mentioned in another thread somewhere, or explained in some guide - But I want to ask the questions and get the answers personally.

1. I am using Fir and Shagnum Peat Moss mix ( Zilla is the brand ) For her substrate(SP), Does this work?

2. She is kept in tempitures between 70-75 and Humids' of 60-70, Is this OK?

3. She has a slightly burried in half log for a hide and a shallow dish for water, I want more for her cage; Ideas or suggestions?

4. Not sure of her age, I got her from a fairly dirty pet shop. ( Good people, though ) They couldn't tell me her sex although she was a bit larger than a mature male, One that I was sure to be a male, at that. ( The Bulbs and hooks, Forgive me for not using the exact terms. >< ) Any way besides sending the molts in or waiting untill she's a few years old to be sure that she's indeed a she?

5. I have a little cricket keeper and four crickets. ( I'd give them names but Charlotte wouldn't much care about that part. :D ) Any thing in particular I need to feed them in order to keep the T live and healthy? I'm a very big believer in the whole " You are what you eat " thing when it comes to my health and I imagine it's no different for her.

6. Is there anything I need to keep on hand at all times near the tank? I have the spray bottle, Hygrometer and Thermometer in her cage, The ambience of crickets, A pad locked lid ( My little cousin could get too curious. ) A window a good six feet away, and a lamp. Anything that shouldn't be around her or needs to be around her at all?

7. ANY DO'S AND DON'TS WILL BE LOVED. I'm completely new to this, though I did spend a few days in researching everything I could.

Thanks a bunch, and I hope i'll enjoy the board as much as you all have through the time i'm here. ;)


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
i might have missed something, but WHAT KIND of T are we talkin about???:confused:

Howdy yall. It's probably mentioned in another thread somewhere, or explained in some guide - But I want to ask the questions and get the answers personally.

1. I am using Fir and Shagnum Peat Moss mix ( Zilla is the brand ) For her substrate(SP), Does this work?

2. She is kept in tempitures between 70-75 and Humids' of 60-70, Is this OK?

3. She has a slightly burried in half log for a hide and a shallow dish for water, I want more for her cage; Ideas or suggestions?

4. Not sure of her age, I got her from a fairly dirty pet shop. ( Good people, though ) They couldn't tell me her sex although she was a bit larger than a mature male, One that I was sure to be a male, at that. ( The Bulbs and hooks, Forgive me for not using the exact terms. >< ) Any way besides sending the molts in or waiting untill she's a few years old to be sure that she's indeed a she?

5. I have a little cricket keeper and four crickets. ( I'd give them names but Charlotte wouldn't much care about that part. :D ) Any thing in particular I need to feed them in order to keep the T live and healthy? I'm a very big believer in the whole " You are what you eat " thing when it comes to my health and I imagine it's no different for her.

6. Is there anything I need to keep on hand at all times near the tank? I have the spray bottle, Hygrometer and Thermometer in her cage, The ambience of crickets, A pad locked lid ( My little cousin could get too curious. ) A window a good six feet away, and a lamp. Anything that shouldn't be around her or needs to be around her at all?

7. ANY DO'S AND DON'TS WILL BE LOVED. I'm completely new to this, though I did spend a few days in researching everything I could.

Thanks a bunch, and I hope i'll enjoy the board as much as you all have through the time i'm here. ;)


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
ok, i looked at your profile, i now see it's a rosea! whew! gimme a minute and i'll give somethin productive...:D


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
1. any substrate (talking peat moss, potting soil, coconut husk, whatever stuff like that) should work just fine.

2. temp seems fine, but i might go a little lower with the humidity, they like it DRY. but always make sure there's a full water dish.

3. whatever you're fine with possible getting webbed... i put a fake plant or 2 in there and mine webbed it. some are also experimenting with real plants. just try something fun out.

4. just get a pic of the molt and post it. or you can look it up/ do research and figure out. posting would be good though, lots of good people here.

5.crix IMO are kinda sucky if you plan to keep them longer than a couple of days. but if you must, they eat ANYTHING. fishfood is great food to give them. vitamins/ minerals/ lots of healthy junk.

6. get some tongs. long tongs. not necessarily for the rosea, but if you continue, you will need them in the future. oh, and if she decides to get a little pissy with you ever... ;) maybe flashlight for night viewing :?

7. don't: handle, but that's controversial... :D do: understand they are a "weird" species, they do a lot of funny things don't: make it way humid, they just hate that do: get more t's{D


Jun 29, 2007
i might have missed something, but WHAT KIND of T are we talkin about???:confused:
OOPS! Yeah. Rose Hair - Left that part out. I personally wanted to go for a Red Knee but the Rose was the only spider they had that was a beginer ( That Blondi looked EXTREMELY intimidating. ) :eek:


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
OOPS! Yeah. Rose Hair - Left that part out. I personally wanted to go for a Red Knee but the Rose was the only spider they had that was a beginer ( That Blondi looked EXTREMELY intimidating. ) :eek:
hahaha, yep... :D


Jun 29, 2007
7. don't: handle, but that's controversial... :D do: understand they are a "weird" species, they do a lot of funny things don't: make it way humid, they just hate that do: get more t's{D
Totally agree with everything except the handling part. I'm not saying that every day i'm going to stroll through the house with a large furry creature hanging from my shoulder, but I do want from time to time to take her out and let her crawl my arm - And eventually I understand that I will need to get over that, due to the fact that they are creatures that can leave a mark when they get pissy. The only thing i'm worried about is getting dusted. Pain is one thing, Itchy annoyence is a total other. :?


Old Timer
May 27, 2007
1. I am using Fir and Shagnum Peat Moss mix ( Zilla is the brand ) For her substrate(SP), Does this work?
I asked about this zilla brand substrate, fir is BAD. One of those woods with toxins that act as an insectiside. I use peat moss or coconut fibre.


Jun 29, 2007
I asked about this zilla brand substrate, fir is BAD. One of those woods with toxins that act as an insectiside. I use peat moss or coconut fibre.
Ouch. Ok. Tomarrow, that's going. Thanks a bunch, I'll see if in the mean time I can get her out and put her on something else - Paper towels would be better than T -death..


Jun 29, 2007
She's in a walmart plastic shoe box with airholes, A new hide, and a new water bowl. >< Thanks a bunch, Shayna.

She was standing on top of her hide when I first for her, It's off of the Substrate, Makes me wonder if the Fir was the reason. She also seemed to like to crawl in corners - I should have reconized this before. Pure Peat Moss it is, Anyone know where I can get it ( IE Petsco, Petsmart, My bayou's tree hangings? ) :wall:

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Walmart sells Schultz peat moss for like two bucks for a big bag, and it has no chemical stuffs in it. How big is this enclosure? You want substrate deep enough that dirt --> ceiling is about the tarantula's legspan, they get hurt/die easily from falls.

Other things: ditch the lamp if it's shining on/heating the enclosure, and make sure the cage is NOT in any direct sunlight from that window. Forget the spray bottle, if you ever spray the enclosure you'll just make the T have a fit and climb the walls until it dries up again.


Jun 29, 2007
Walmart sells Schultz peat moss for like two bucks for a big bag, and it has no chemical stuffs in it. How big is this enclosure? You want substrate deep enough that dirt --> ceiling is about the tarantula's legspan, they get hurt/die easily from falls.

Other things: ditch the lamp if it's shining on/heating the enclosure, and make sure the cage is NOT in any direct sunlight from that window. Forget the spray bottle, if you ever spray the enclosure you'll just make the T have a fit and climb the walls until it dries up again.
Everything say for the type of substrate was done right. I had read many many times and seen a few pictures - I didn't want to see that or cause it to happen. It's a ten gallon tank, It's fairly tall but I made up for it with the amount of soil I put in there. ( The lenght between was a body and a half estimate. ) I've sprayed the enclosure a very few times and i'll refrain from doing that - Might explain the wall climbing. The enclosure ( Width and lenght ) Isn't very big, Just a tank I purchased with a lockable sliding lid. When I fed it I put a cricket down and chased the cricket with a Chop stick to Charlotte, she was more than happy to have food handed to her like that. right now she's in the small tub with airholes and papertowls as bedding. A hide and all of course. I'll go back and buy me moss tomarrow, thanks man!

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
EI've sprayed the enclosure a very few times and i'll refrain from doing that - Might explain the wall climbing.
Well, they also do that a little just because it's a new enclosure and they don't know what's going on, but the spraying sure doesn't help. {D Glad to hear things are otherwise goin' good!


Jun 12, 2007
OOPS! Yeah. Rose Hair - Left that part out. I personally wanted to go for a Red Knee but the Rose was the only spider they had that was a beginer ( That Blondi looked EXTREMELY intimidating. ) :eek:
LOL Well I personally am a beginner as well and I got a b. smithi (mexican red knee) and s/he is great infact almost ready to molt. I've had him since June 6th and I love watching him explore his little home. Now I'll be ordering about 6 more within the month.Yeah and I said I only wanted one! HA!! :D


Jun 29, 2007
Read it and remembered. :D I'm making a round to walmart a little past six tonight, the smaller cage is roomy enough for a few hours or so. Thanks again guys, this is a MASSIVE help!