Questions about Cerbalus sp. Egypt ID and Sexing


Feb 18, 2021
Not sure if this should be under an existing sexing thread as it is my main question but there are others, so I apologize in advance if so!


As far as Cerbalus sp. Egypt is concerned I am not sure if it is synonymous of C. sp. “Sinai Desert White Huntsman” and or C. aravaensis.
From what I can find which doesn’t seem to be too much information; C. aravaensis is said to be found in Israel and Jordan, which would obviously be inaccurate to this spider being caught in Egypt, but I am unsure if this is 100% accurate and as far as the C. sp. “Sinai Desert White Huntsman” which is located in Egypt I believe this could be accurate as “sp. Egypt”. My problem is when searching for pictures, C. aravaensis and just pictures labeled Cerbalus which look pretty much identical to C. aravaensis. So as far as IDs go are the sp. pictured any of these??
I’ve also found Leucorchestris arenicola extremely similar at this size at least. But I believe they are found in Namibia? Not sure if that is correct. But if so then that’s ruled out as well.
Just trying to rule out any possibilities.

Past the point of ID goes, I was curious as to the sex of these seemingly immature spiders, looking into huntsman sexing and Cerbalus in general there seems to be no knowledge of sexing them until adulthood and or getting a molt when viable. But looking at these three specimens #2 & #3 seem to have pretty significantly larger pedipalps than #1. As far as size is concerned these are housed currently in ~4.5 inch or ~11.5cm (as I just received them) and #1 & #2 are about the same size as well as larger than #3. So is it possible at all #1 would happen to be a female and #2 & #3 are males? Don’t think I’ve ever heard of any Huntsman Spiders that show pre-maturity sexual dimorphism but I think I recall reading something here on sexually identifying via pre-maturity in very small species of jumping spiders?

Thanks I’m advance! Always appreciate all the information here from everyone!



Oct 20, 2021
1: female (?)
2: sub male
3: sub male

They seem to love dropping some legs 😁.

The aravensis is a lot larger, you wouldn't End up with such small sub adult males.
In the picture is an ex. Sinai.


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