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Psalmopoeus pulcher


Old Timer
Feb 18, 2005

Yep. My first spider bite. P. pulcher, was changing cages, distracted by the cute bunny, bam..

so its like a wasp sting, and my left ring finger is swollen, and it pulses like it burns, but otherwise not too bad. Not sure if the aching pain in my elbow means anything.

edit: oh the elbow thing might have something to do with the bite, the arm is turning quite a deep splotchy pink color like a swollen finger.

--20 minutes later im splotchy red up to the shoulder.

--12:00am feeling less pain already, no more hard pulses in my finger, redness of the arm reducing, i can now extend my finger and even feel the swelling reduce.

that was quick.

---11:15am still some stiffness in the finger, between knuckles of the ring finger and middle finger hurt when i open and close my hand, but its not horrible.

I applied lavender oil, eased the swelling right away, and topped it with some ice.