Possible some of the most stupid things I've ever seen


Jul 17, 2017
Hi to all,

I'm new to the fantastic hobby. I have a B.Vagans she's cute not fully grown about 5 years just molted a week ago , so looking nice :)
I have pre ordered a Euathlus sp red,yellow,green or blue form my dealer.

I never intent to handle any of my T, as I think they should be left alone doing their T thing in Peace and quite, observing their intersting behaviour ect....

But as stated in the header, I've seen people on youtube , when I was looking for advice ect...handling King Baboons, Featherleg Pokies, Sun Tigers, braging about it, sometimes playing loud heavy metal music ect ect.......and in the coments people say : ohh man can you Wear pants you got such big balls....

I realy hope that I'm not the only one getting realy pissed off,!!! what a bunch of ...morons...1st off they risk getting bitten, would serve them right, but more so
they are stressing the T even more than it was, and these T are easily prowoked...it makes me sad and gives the hobby a bad rep......

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Aug 5, 2012
Hi to all,

I'm new to the fantastic hobby. I have a B.Vagans she's cute not fully grown about 5 years just molted a week ago , so looking nice :)
I have pre ordered a Euathlus sp red,yellow,green or blue form my dealer.

I never intent to handle any of my T, as I think they should be left alone doing their T thing in Peace and quite, observing their intersting behaviour ect....

But as stated in the header, I've seen people on youtube , when I was looking for advice ect...handling King Baboons, Featherleg Pokies, Sun Tigers, braging about it, sometimes playing loud heavy metal music ect ect.......and in the coments people say : ohh man can you Wear pants you got such big balls....

I realy hope that I'm not the only one getting realy pissed off,!!! what a bunch of ...morons...1st off they risk getting bitten, would serve them right, but more so
they are stressing the T even more than it was, and these T are easily prowoked...it makes me sad and gives the hobby a bad rep......

Great thread, yes I agree undoubtedly, these morons deserve the bad wrap they get, we as caring, responsible keepers know not to treat them the way you're describing, as for having big whatsits, haha don't even go there, if they were to be bitten, they're whatsits would be well and truly shrivelled, I salute your integrity, well said sir well said.
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miss moxie

Jun 13, 2014
Don't you get me started on this too!

Look, around here the majority of people know that the only way you can describe the balls on people who hold OWs for attention is 'numb'. As in they are numbnuts.

Once in a while, at least back when I was super active, someone would show up bragging about being a beginner with a couple OBTs they handle, giant pokies they handle, etc. etc. et-hecking-cetera. Some people ignore them (so as not to give them the attention they are obviously craving) and others tear them a new one.

But no. In short, you aren't the only one who gets ticked off by people endangering tarantulas and the hobby.


Jun 7, 2017
I used to watch alot of tarantula videos on youtube but I kept being recommended some really horrible videos by people that did not care about their T's, Now I sort of just stick to afew select youtubers when it comes to Tarantulas. Its very upsetting.


Mar 11, 2017
Oh yes, very annoying, those sort of videos. I've stopped looking at youtube videos, except for either trying to get a better idea of what a species looks like or occasionally check out videos from sensible keepers.


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2014
I've seen many excellent youtube T videos as well as these horribly stupid ones. Makes it difficult for a newbie to know what content to trust. You've got one video of someone bragging while handling an OBT and yet another video cautioning you about hands-off safe OBT husbandry. Gotta be confusing for newbies.

Another gripe of mine: in the right-hand column of suggested related videos -- I sometimes see some 'wolf spider vs black widow' type video. Makes me sick if people are getting spiders to fight just for sick thrills. Who catches spiders just to videotape a death match? Seriously. :(


Jun 14, 2017
I watched a video of some guy rehousing his blue Colbalt, he was doing it by hand seemed to be going well at first, then all of a sudden the T got spooked and raced up his arm and ended up on his face, a horrible position to be in the no doubt. But could of easily been avoided if he didn't use his hands. Very lucky he didn't get bit, I've heard a bite from a blue Colbalt is very painful.


Sep 26, 2013
I will take the handling idiots any day over the ones who feed live birds, mice, rats, etc to their T, or simply throw two animals into the same enclosure to watch a deathmatch just for kicks. They both give people outside the hobby the wrong idea about it, but the deathmatch people are the scum of the earth in my opinion.


Aug 5, 2012
Oh yes, very annoying, those sort of videos. I've stopped looking at youtube videos, except for either trying to get a better idea of what a species looks like or occasionally check out videos from sensible keepers.
There's maybe 5 channels on YouTube I watch with anticipation, The Dark Den, Tom's Big Spiders, Daniel Oakley, the sensible keepers, informative uploads, do's and don'ts, my favourite channel has to be Tom's Big Spiders - great guy, very knowledgeable, a true keeper in every sense of the word.


Arachnosupporter +
May 27, 2017
The ones that particularly rub me the wrong way are the ones trying to be educational and informative while handling. I was literally yelling at my screen the other day while I was watching someone show off and try to teach people about their quite plump G. pulchra while holding it AT EYE LEVEL (admittedly they were sitting down, but on a chair and still WAY too high up) while constantly moving their hand around.


Apr 23, 2017
The ones that particularly rub me the wrong way are the ones trying to be educational and informative while handling. I was literally yelling at my screen the other day while I was watching someone show off and try to teach people about their quite plump G. pulchra while holding it AT EYE LEVEL (admittedly they were sitting down, but on a chair and still WAY too high up) while constantly moving their hand around.
I SAW THAT VIDEO, it made me so anxious I was yelling at the screen to put the poor T down


Arachnosupporter +
May 27, 2017
I SAW THAT VIDEO, it made me so anxious I was yelling at the screen to put the poor T down
Exactly. It was like watching a horror movie, just waiting for the poor thing to get spooked and fall. And from what was said in the video, I'm under the impression the pulchra is an educational animal brought around to teach people about them. If it's being handled like that in a video, it's likely being handled like that in an educational setting with countless various factors that could surprise it. That's gonna be an expensive lesson to learn when a female pulchra of that size falls.


Aug 5, 2012
The ones that particularly rub me the wrong way are the ones trying to be educational and informative while handling.
Haha - like Deadly Tarantula Girl, oh she does my nut right in, she's quite knowledgeable (whether it's scripted or not I'm not sure) but for heavens sake, stop handing the stunning sp. she has and stop using "common names" - one of my pet hates - Grrrr. :banghead:


Apr 23, 2017
Exactly. It was like watching a horror movie, just waiting for the poor thing to get spooked and fall. And from what was said in the video, I'm under the impression the pulchra is an educational animal brought around to teach people about them. If it's being handled like that in a video, it's likely being handled like that in an educational setting with countless various factors that could surprise it. That's gonna be an expensive lesson to learn when a female pulchra of that size falls.
I really hate it when people say they use their T's as educational "tools", then let kids handle them. First off, I don't trust kids with my ball python, they're too energetic and quick to frighten (the kids I mean lol). And also, I really don't see how the hell putting an animal's life in danger is a good way of teaching people about them


Sep 26, 2013
There's maybe 5 channels on YouTube I watch with anticipation, The Dark Den, Tom's Big Spiders, Daniel Oakley, the sensible keepers, informative uploads, do's and don'ts, my favourite channel has to be Tom's Big Spiders - great guy, very knowledgeable, a true keeper in every sense of the word.
Yeah, good choices. I follow Dark Den, EulersK, Tom Moran, KC Tarantulas, and MariLynn Moore. I get to see a lot of rehousings/feedings/unpackings etc.


Sep 26, 2013
I really hate it when people say they use their T's as educational "tools", then let kids handle them. First off, I don't trust kids with my ball python, they're too energetic and quick to frighten (the kids I mean lol). And also, I really don't see how the hell putting an animal's life in danger is a good way of teaching people about them
I agree with you, but I think the first step in educating many, many people is overcoming their fear so that they can stop freaking out and start learning. I don't think that handling is the most responsible way to do that, though. I'd rather just show kids one up close in a container so that there is no risk to the animal.


Apr 23, 2017
I agree with you, but I think the first step in educating many, many people is overcoming their fear so that they can stop freaking out and start learning. I don't think that handling is the most responsible way to do that, though. I'd rather just show kids one up close in a container so that there is no risk to the animal.
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant that I think kids and misguided people should have some exposure, so they can can learn about these creatures and why they do not need to be scared. Putting the T's life in danger to do so is what I do not like.


Arachnosupporter +
May 27, 2017
Haha - like Deadly Tarantula Girl, oh she does my nut right in, she's quite knowledgeable (whether it's scripted or not I'm not sure) but for heavens sake, stop handing the stunning sp. she has and stop using "common names" - one of my pet hates - Grrrr. :banghead:
I was trying to avoid mentioning specific people, but oh boy, did you just hit a nerve! I can't watch her anymore. Seriously, I don't care about your face, I don't care about your chest, I care about the tarantula that's now in an open container that you're not paying attention to! :rage:


Aug 5, 2012
Another gripe of mine: in the right-hand column of suggested related videos -- I sometimes see some 'wolf spider vs black widow' type video. Makes me sick if people are getting spiders to fight just for sick thrills. Who catches spiders just to videotape a death match? Seriously.
I love to watch "Monster Bug Wars" - a great watch for anyone interested in inverts, as it's in the wild there's no thrill seeking, it's nature, the last one I watched was Spider V's Spider. That was so interesting and informative, two different sp. of jumping spider, amazing watch. I'm sure it was #3 - #6. Anyway they're all great episodes, love them.


Aug 5, 2012
I was trying to avoid mentioning specific people, but oh boy, did you just hit a nerve! I can't watch her anymore. Seriously, I don't care about your face, I don't care about your chest, I care about the tarantula that's now in an open container that you're not paying attention to! :rage:
I've stopped watching that channel as well, she's not interested in the wellbeing of the spiders, as long as she's showing her chest, getting subscribers, getting sponsored, who cares. Not me! [EDIT] I care for the spiders when she's waving them about like they're glued to her hand.:rage: