"Poecilotheria miranda ³Four-Spotted Ornamental², CB¹02, 1/2²-3/4², (A/F/A/V), HOT! HOT! HOT! Months of hype and all the rave, this incredible Pokie has made many foam at the mouth just looking at pictures of it! First-time offering! Very, very, very high-white Poecilotheria with purple/pink highlights! Very white knees, purple/pink femurs, a four-spotted abdomen - outrageous!!! For serious collectors only. Exact price will be determined upon import. Expect retail price to over $200 easily. This will be the U.S. hobby¹s highest priced species as a spiderling to-date no doubt. Limited supply. Advanced reservations being taken now for an expected offering date of Jan. 20. $100 deposits required before Jan. 10. Inquire. See a pic at: http://www.birdspiders.com/archive/3/0123.htm"
thought you guys might be interested to hear that. Any word on how you came by em todd?
thought you guys might be interested to hear that. Any word on how you came by em todd?