Please Someone Help!


Sep 7, 2002
my mom made me take back my T because I kept getting sick.

Whats wrong with me and can it be stopped.

I thik its cause of allergies.......I need help.:( :(


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Well, it would depend on what kind of Sickness you got? What was wrong with you. Technically, there is absolutely nothing about a tarantula that can make you sick. There is nothing that they have that you can have a generic allergic reaction to, such as dogs or cats, where people can have sneezing fits just coming into the same area as one. T's do not have real "Hair", therefore there is no dander for anyone to be allergic to. The only way you could "get sick" from a T is if you were to inhale urticating hairs and even that is completely different from the allergic reaction you would get from a cat or dog. Like I said, there is nothing to be allergic to about a T.



Old Timer
Aug 11, 2002
:? mey be a stupid question but what did the doctor say , im assuming you saw a doctor


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2002
Keep the T and get a new mom. Don't let her see this or you'll soon be computer-less too.



Sep 7, 2002
thanx alot but...

I appreciate you guys helping me because I love spiders but mrderanged do you know any site that can verify that (like a medical site or something) because my mom thinks its just your oppinion. Oh and by the way we didnt ask the doctor.


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Sorry to say but I have to agree with Code Monkey, I don't think anything we say will change your mother's mind. I think that she probably didn't want the T in the first place or is afraid of them so this was a really good excuse to make you get rid of it. Or perhaps she is just an over protective and mis-informed (and therfore mis-guided) mother. You know your mom, we don't, so it really is up to you to decided what the underlying cause for her making you get rid of the T is.
Did you ever get sick before you got the tarantula? Could it be that the substrate you used may have been causing the allergic reaction? If you still have some of it left go give it a sniff and see if that's it. Then the solution is simple - try a different substrate.
Another possibility is that you are allergic to the crickets. My husband is SEVERELY allergic to crickets. I have to keep them in a closed room in a closed closet in containers with only the minimum venilation holes necessary. If he gets a wiff of crickets his nose starts running, his eyes itch, he sneezes - immediately. He is also allergic to my hissing roaches.
Good luck with this - I know how difficult mothers can be as I believe I have one of the most difficult mothers that was ever made :D


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Just to clarify something Gail said, before your mother runs with *that* post to the bank: The reason many people are allergic to roaches (and some people to crickets) is they are allergic to the feces and shed skins these critters produce. They moult a lot, so there are lots of skins around to be broken up into air born particles, and their feces are solid and broken up into air born particles. Tarantulas do not shed often (and disposing of their skins is easy) and their feces are small in quantity and not prone to become air born.


Sep 7, 2002
thanx guys

but its too late:( my mom said get frogs or nothing so I went with frogs so I guess this will b my last post so before I go I want to thank all of you deeply for trying to help me out. All of you guys were right but my mom is a very stubborn women so what she says goes but when I move out I'm gonna have lots of pets that I couldnt have because of her ( dogs,cats,lizards,and especially tarantulas) and I'm gonna make my life happier so thankyou all again and see you later.

P.S. take care of yourselves and I will be here to check up on you guys to make sure your spiders are ok see if I can help u guys out the way you helped me.=D :)


Henry Kane

Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Sorry about your situation. Gotta respect mom's word though. At least if ya live under her roof. (I can't believe I said that...cough...choke!)
Don't feel too bad bro. I'm buying my second house and my mom is still on my case about my bugs. She is convinced (N' I mean literally convinced!) that one of my bugs is gonna kill someone. There's absolutely NO way she would have ever let me keep a bug when I had lived at home. She's one of those moms that see's a spider, ANY spider, and it's "Oh my god! It's a Black Widow!!!" She's also one to believe any and every bug related wives tale and urban legend she's ever heard. I've been trying for years to "educate" her in the ways of the spider (LOL!) but like your mom, She's very stubborn.
One thing you can do though is start a bug fund so that when you get your own place you can go friggin' crazy and get all the bugs you want!

Good luck with your frogs. Those can be pretty cool too.



Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Get a huge Cane Toad and feed it to the family dog... when it dies in less than an hour from the toxins, ask your Mom which was the more dangerous pet... ;P Just kidding, that would be awful...

Atrax is right... just because it isn't "fair" doesn't mean it isn't LAW. It's that way with our legal system (God knows most of our laws exist for the sole purpose of scratching some special interest group's back), and it's that way in the home. She's doing what she thinks is best... whether it's misguided, ignorant, or just plain stubborn, it's doesn't really matter.

And please don't exist under the fallacy that life will automatically be "better" when you're out from under your Mom's roof... you have no idea how many bills, expenses, etc etc exist until you're out on your own. Being able to make your own decision to have tarantulas is great, but being on your own and still HAVING enough money for tarantulas can be an entirely different matter...

And love your Mom... she's the only Mom you'll ever have.


Old Timer
Sep 21, 2002
Re: thanx guys

Have you considered checking with some of your friends at school? Maybe one of them has a mother who would allow them to keep a T or 2 and you could then help your friend with the care.

Also, some teachers might be very willing to have one in their classroom if they knew that some eager student would take care of it for them.

Just a thought. My wife doesn't want me to keep any Ts at home, so I have them in my office. Of course, I am a biologist and I also have a lab, so my collecion can expand there if need be. I have kept everything from invertebrates to mammals and birds. My wife fortunately has no trouble with more conventional pets.
