Please Check All Baggage


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Hey everybody,
I'm pissed. Scott, can I say pissed? Anyway, I thought that since I'm flying from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland for Christmas, I should probably check to see how I'm going to take my Tarantula home.
I called the airline and asked her about the situation with a living carry-on. i told her what it was, and she said, 'hmm..a tarantula? well..I know that it's okay to carry-on dogs, cats, hamsters, guina pigs (this was a huge list that went on), and you can't take ferrits, rats, mice (another long list). let me just check on tarantulas..but I don't think you'll be able to....". a pause here for bad elevator music while i'm put on hold for 5 minutes. then she comes back on 'no, due to the nature of the INSECT, you have to check it with your baggage in a secure container, and please be sure to label it as hazardous."
how do all of you experts put up with the public's uneducated ignorance for these misunderstood beauties? i'm having a hard time with it already.
Food for thought,
The Rookie

Mister Internet

Big Meanie Doo Doo Head :)
Arachnosupporter +
Aug 5, 2002
Well, instead of automatically pitching a fit, you might just call back and tell someone, "hey, I know you're not allowed to transport insects, but what about arachnids, specifically tarantulas?" ... would probably get a lot better response than telling someone how stupid they are for not knowing the taxonomic and biological significance of non-native species... :)


Scarlet O' Hairy
Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Just exactly how does one pack a tarantula for shipping ????? Because Id like to eventually order one (A CURLIE) thru the mail !


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002

Hi spider-saviour,
I'm not sure how to pack my spider for flying other than through carry-on. I'm sorry to everyone for my complaining at the beginning of this post, but I found it frustrating that my spider was referred to as hazardous when dogs are allowed on board. it just depresses me that such a fascinating creature could get such a bad rap. i was in class this morning when i wrote that, so I was a little cranky ;)
Anyway, i ordered my G.Pulchra TODAY, so I'll get it later this week. I'm getting it through Chris' Creepy Crawlies. I'm assuming, saviour, that the B.C. in your adress stands for British Columbia. He seems to be the best T guy based in Canada, so you may want to consider exploiting his services. he is sending my T through FedEx. I still don't know how he's packing it exactly, but I'll be happy to tell you when I receive it. Keep in mind though, (which i learned from someone in a post) that Ts need very little oxygen to survive, so perhaps it's not as big a concern as shipping other live animals.
The Rookie


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002
Most of my tarantulas had to be purchased out of town before the new exotic pet store just opened up. I bought them in Vancouver which is four hours away and in Kelowna which it two hours away and in Victoria which is 6 hours of driving plus a 2 hour ferry trip. Every time I have been on a Greyhound and I know they would not take kindly to the fact that I have a large spider in my bag. All I do is make sure it stays concealed and that it cant get bumped around badly. As long as they dont know it is there then it cant hurt anything. Just make sure the spider isnt getting jostled.