I have decided to purchase a small number of Platymeris biguttata (white-eyed assassin bugs), and I don't really know how to care for them.
After numerous internet searches, I have got very little information as to their care.
I have read all of the topics that come up when searching on google for "Platymeris biguttata ".
What has your experience been like with these ambush predators?
What can I expect? Do you remove the eggs, or just leave them? Is a colony easy to maintain?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
After numerous internet searches, I have got very little information as to their care.
I have read all of the topics that come up when searching on google for "Platymeris biguttata ".
What has your experience been like with these ambush predators?
What can I expect? Do you remove the eggs, or just leave them? Is a colony easy to maintain?
Thanks for any help you can offer.