Pink Zebra Beauty - Hiding & Seclusive


Mar 30, 2011
I recently purchased my first tarantula, a gorgeous adult female pink zebra beauty. I gave her a nice home in a 10 gallon terrarium with several inches of coco fiber substrate, a shallow water dish, and a nice cave hide. During the first couple of days she was fairly active, getting use to her home. During, this time I fed her three meal worms, which she ate well. I have noticed after two days of being in her new home, she settled into her hide and has dug some substrate out covering the entrance and a slight amount of webbing. She has effectively entombed herself into the hide and has not left it for about a week now. Is this a sign that she is going to molt soon, her colors were slightly darker when I got her and she was missing a little bit of hair on her abdomen, at least what I got to see of her, lol :confused: Is this a sign of premolt and should I just be patient and keep her water dish filled and her humidity level good and wait for her to come out? Our is she simply hiding and happy under her cave, when do I attempt to feed her if she hasn't emerged in a awhile. I certainly dont want to drop a cricket in there if she is in premolt. I appreciate all our kind replies.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2007
It could be a sign of premolt, or it could have just settled in.
I would leave it for a few days.
It will come out when it's ready.

The Spider Faery

Old Timer
Apr 19, 2009
I have a 3.5 inch (or so) one that likes to burrow, so mine's seclusive also. It's a very docile and beautiful pet hole. I gave it a log retreat that I hoped it would use instead of burrowing, but it just incorporated it into its tunnels. I guess I could give it less substrate and it would not be a burrower anymore, but I don't have the heart to do that, knowing that living underground is its preference. Maybe yours is the same?...Maybe they will grow out of it, I don't know.

The Spider Faery

Old Timer
Apr 19, 2009
Originally Posted by cobwebweaver
should I just be patient and keep her water dish filled and her humidity level good and wait for her to come out?
You answered your own question :)
Good advice. They will come out for water. I watch mine pop up to drink at night sometimes. And also food...if it wants food and isn't in premolt, it will come out also.


Jun 21, 2010
Yes she is in pre-moult she is just protecting her self from the outside world in her mind so she blocks up holes.

E.campestratus are skittish or calm.. scared or dead easy.
My one was dead calm then skittish then calm then scared..
Now it just freezes dead still or runs and stops dead.
But still a great t to have.


Mar 30, 2011
Thank you

Thank you for all of your kind replies and expertise, its great to be part of such an informative forum. I will let you all know how the molt goes and I will post some pictures of her, when she finally comes out.