pictures of your enclosures please.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
I am curious to see how the masses keep their pedes. I currently have 1. which is an S. angulata. I keep it in a 1 gallon rubbermaid jar from wal mart, filled about half full of peat moss. I keep it pretty moist. and have a deli cup for water.

My pede seems to make tunnel networks throughout the jar, and seems rather content. I feed a a nice size lateralis once every week or two. they always disappear.

One of my main questions though is for the few who breed. how do you setup a pede that you suspect may be gravid, or you are fixing to pair?

I ask because I eventually would like to try and pair my pede with another(I plan on attempting sexing this week maybe)

I just want various breeding meathods, and see a general idea of how you all keep your collection.

In my current setup Id fear I wouldnt know if my pede was holding a clutch of eggs or not, because I cant see inside. There must be an easier way?


Old Timer
May 9, 2008
Every single clutch I've had so far (and I have had quite a few), the mother laid her eggs and cared for them above ground, usually in a pre-dug pit or depression in the substrate under a hide. I have had successful clutches in both types of enclosures most people use for pedes - the typical tall plastic or glass jars with plenty of depth and less floor area as well as large, more elaborate glass tanks. In other words, both have worked equally well for me and ultimately the only consideration you should have would be whether you want to save space or whether you prefer a decent looking display tank. Below is a video showing how I keep my 20cm/8" S. hardwickei adult female. And yes, I prefer using water dishes than not.
