Are your effera and dichromata switched? The third pic doesn't look like a dichromata....Here are a few more. In order are P. regalis, s. effera, s. dichromata, and s. philippinus
upper left: regalisAre your effera and dichromata switched? The third pic doesn't look like a dichromata....
My friend commented on that. He said that in China most people just keep T's without trying to make the cages asthetically pleasing. I think that making the cage look as nice as possible adds to the fun. In fact, I'm in the process of upgrading some of the enclosures. Pics will certainly have some great looking T's. nice enclosures too.
Gotcha. The way that post is displayed on my monitor, there are three pics at the top and one below, not a square.upper left: regalis
upper right: dichromata
lower left: effera
lower right: philippinus