Phrynus whitei


Oct 24, 2017
Hello all. I have some questions regarding P.whitei.
#1. What is their growth rate. I have mine in hot temps and they molted once in my care and I have had them for months is this normal? *Note* they are around 1/3" from tip of carapace to abdomen.
#2. Are they supposed to be kept communally, or rather can they? I see a lot of pics with multiples in a tank and wondered if this is normal.
#3 If they can be kept communally how can I breed them? This is because I would love to have a bunch together for viewing purposes in my living room
#4 if the above is possible and they breed easily how can I stop them from breeding so numbers are kept at reasonable amounts.


Old Timer
Nov 25, 2011
1. Pretty slow. Increased temps and feeding frequency will help them grow faster. I don't know a ton about this species, but I'd say one molt within a few months is probably normal.
2. Phrynus tend to do ok being kept communally, but I don't risk it with any of my amblypygids. They'll get introduced when they're ready to mate.
3. Once mature they'll do their thing. You can look for spermatophores on pieces of bark.
4. Amblypygids are almost legendary with how slow they breed. Unless you have a ton you won't have any issues with that. Once the numbers get a little higher you can sell them. If you keep them all communally cannibalism will probably eventually take its course to keep the numbers sustainable.


Oct 24, 2017
Thanks for the help! I will just keep them separate due to not being a fan of my animals eating each other.


Apr 5, 2022
So I bought a whitei about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks ago. Didn't know she was gravid. Anyway, she had the babies, took about 10 days after they chilled on her back to do their first molt. Now I have about 8-12 babies walking around. I'm not trying to disturb them yet because I think their maybe a couple more on her back that could be molting soon.
But after how long should I start separating them? I have a bunch of 4oz. Deli cups but not sure how to set those up.
Any advice?

Albireo Wulfbooper

Aug 1, 2019
So I bought a whitei about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks ago. Didn't know she was gravid. Anyway, she had the babies, took about 10 days after they chilled on her back to do their first molt. Now I have about 8-12 babies walking around. I'm not trying to disturb them yet because I think their maybe a couple more on her back that could be molting soon.
But after how long should I start separating them? I have a bunch of 4oz. Deli cups but not sure how to set those up.
Any advice?
I believe they can be separated at any point after they leave mom's back, but @wizentrop can confirm. For baby enclosures they just need a little moist substrate to maintain humidity and a small vertical climbing surface to moult from. You can use those flexible crafting foam sheets or bits of bark. They'll generally take very freshly killed prey for the first little while - you can even give them drumsticks from larger crickets if you don't have appropriately-sized prey readily available.

In future, please make your own thread instead of adding to a 4-year old one :)


Apr 5, 2022
I believe they can be separated at any point after they leave mom's back, but @wizentrop can confirm. For baby enclosures they just need a little moist substrate to maintain humidity and a small vertical climbing surface to moult from. You can use those flexible crafting foam sheets or bits of bark. They'll generally take very freshly killed prey for the first little while - you can even give them drumsticks from larger crickets if you don't have appropriately-sized prey readily available.

In future, please make your own thread instead of adding to a 4-year old one :)
My bad