Phasmid keepers, your help is needed.


Old Timer
Sep 2, 2005
I have been interested in phasmids for a while now but only just got my first yesterday, a pair of Anchiale austrotessulata i caught down the road. They have produced 4 eggs so far and now am looking into a few more species. I'm going to build a bank of cages so i can keep various species. Is there a guide for min cage size? Also what would be the best material to construct the frame from?


Jun 21, 2006
Hi Lychas,
what should i say :), great idea ,with breeding phasmids :D .
australia ,has some of the most interesting phasmidspecies and they are quite impossible to get here in europe .Anchiale are really beautiful ,i hope you can establish a good breed.
for the cages, there are different types ,depending on the species ,from good ventilated ,complete netcages up to lowventilated for wet-humid species.
for the great ,i would say they should be 3-4xsize of the specie for safety moulting.
feeding is another point, if the climate in your neighbourhood is good , try to plant some Psidium plants.Eucalpyptus should be one of the main foodplants in australia. here in europe most species are fed with bramble and other kind of Rubus sp. and Rosacae.
that is a thing to test if the species are taken from wild.
good materials for phasmidscages are wood,old aquariums,etc.,they are cheap to build and selfbuilding is the best way for succesful you can always construct the cages special for the specie.
by the way ,
here are some Phylliumeggs and other species waiting for you ;)

I have been interested in phasmids for a while now but only just got my first yesterday, a pair of Anchiale austrotessulata i caught down the road. They have produced 4 eggs so far and now am looking into a few more species. I'm going to build a bank of cages so i can keep various species. Is there a guide for min cage size? Also what would be the best material to construct the frame from?


Old Timer
Sep 2, 2005
most species here live in dry eucalypt forests so dont need much humidity, i will be going with very open designs. Food plants are no problem, many species to chose from in my area. Thanks for your help, keep in touch.


Jun 21, 2006
Hi Lychas ,
sounds great , net cages are easy to build and cheap.a use of ventilator or installing these small pc-ventilator should help you. i ve done this for my Phyllium species and it is for airlovingspecies a have to. they will eat much more and can move/eat also on day.i ve send you per pn , a german phasmidpage from two of the best phasmidkeepers/taxonomists, there is a great description ,
best regards