molt record:
Paraphysa scrofa
recieved from Swift's Invertebrates 5/30/02 spiderling unsexed Ls: 1/4"
molt: 6/17/02 new ls: 1/2"
molt: week of 7/28/02 new ls: about the same
molt: 9/6/02 new ls: haha
molt: 10/20/02
Thanks for the info. Vayu, I have a P.scrofa also, probably a sibling of your spider. It was purchased in may also; It is about 3/4 to 1" now. Has a huge appetite when not fasting to shed. Has beautiful copper and bright red highlights. It really tries hard to be a great hunter, kind of funny! I will try to hold down on the excessive exclamation points, o.k. ?
I have an adult female and a sling. They both are quite shy feeders. The adult is very sweet, but a bit skittish. She has this adorable fat body, and short, stubby legs. She looks like she's covered in rose-colored bristles..(I know, picture!) Tonight..
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