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- Mar 28, 2006
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Okay so it was feeding time here at the abyss zoo and after realizing I have a pet mouse now because my snake is not in her tank I decided to feed the newcomers. I got this Paruroctonus silvestrii from one of the SCABIES' hunts (thanks Griffin) and as I saw picked him up (in a container) he jumped!!!I would say about 2 inches and some change. I was amazed and then like if things couldn't get any more interesting he managed to do another hop and tag my finger that was barely holding the top of the container. The container is like a little mini fish bowl. Okay now for the real interesting part. The scorpion had his telson pointed at me instead of the usaual defense pose. It was more of a recline tail pointed at an angle towards me type of thing. As soon as I moved it squirted venom at me launching it out the littel fish bowl container and about 7 inches to my arm. I wouldn't have believed if my neighbor hadn't come into the room a few minutes before the incident and confirmed it. Now after getting tagged I'm sure that would have definatly hurt my eyes. The pain was def. more painful than a bee sting but died out almost immediatly followed my minor discomfort and no swelling of the area.