Opisthoncus quadratarius (Massive Garden Jumper) - Australia.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
A few days ago, while looking for food for the Nenemerus bivittatus (Wall Jumper) I came across another (different) jumping spider. It was hiding between the petals of a Hibiscus flower, and when discovered, it was quite pro-active to get somewhere else. I caught him in my capture jar. Found out it is a male Opisthoncus quadratarius (Massive Garden Jumper).

I thought, "Now what?" Am I going to keep going and collect every jumping spider I come across? Well, lets take one day at a time. I can always release them.
So, I had another species specific vivarium to make. But in the meantime I just can't keep him in a small empty jar for a few weeks. So I decided to build another Holding Jar that would suit its love for climbing garden plants. But first, I'll feed him with a green fly to satisfy its immediate angst. I tell you, he caught the fly instantly, as if it hadn't had a meal for a long while. Twenty minutes later I saw the remains of a dismantled and devoured fly. I thought "Wow, what a wild boy." And so, that is its nickname.

Wild Boy 2020-07-17.jpg


Active Member
Jul 18, 2020
Found another jumping spider. I seem to see jumping spiders, or evidence of them, whenever I go looking for prey.

It's strange to go and catch flies so the spider can catch them later.

Anyway, this one looks very different to the Opisthoncus quadratarius, yet it is an Opisthonus of uncertain species. It looks like a Opisthoncus sexmaculatus but they are only 6mm while the one I've got is 9mm.

Apparently, in the latest addition of A Field Guide To Spiders Of Australian, there is a page entitled 'Calling all citizen scientists for project Opisthoncus'. It is asking for help to report these spiders to help the scientists get a better ID listing of this genus.

Sorry for the poor photography. I am sure to learn and improve in this area as well.
Opisthoncus sp 2020-07-20.jpg

So know what, another holding jar?


Jun 26, 2019
You are just like me! I collect every jumper I see! Apparently another holding jar for this lil dude/dudette!