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Ophistothalmus walberghi

The Emperor

Old Timer
Jan 13, 2008
While I was busy cleaning out my Ophistothalmus walberghi's set up, He popped out and tagged me. I did not see him there. He wouldn't let go of my finger. He stung me a couple of times, The intial sting sent a weird electrical feeling through my body.

I shook him off, And my finger starting hurting. He got me in the corner of my finger nail. It was not overly painful, But I was feeling sick for a few hours. And I also had a little bit of pain in my chest. The pain didn't last long though.

He also had a strong pair of claws! :(


Feb 6, 2010
Opistophthalmus whalbergi

Hello all, I got stung by a tricolor scorpion.It didn't feel that bad.it was like a bee sting + lemon juice for about five minutes. Swelling occurred around where i was stung for about ten minutes.All in all it was more exciting then scary.:razz:
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