Ok when and where did the term "hobby form" come in???


May 22, 2017
Good Lord, I leave the hobby for a few years and now there's this "hobby form" stuff...someone explain this to the old guy who's been out of the loop for a few years please...what makes a critter a "hobby form"???

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Hobby form comes to play in 2 situations.

1. When a t is known in the hobby by one name, but its not actually the right name.

2. When a species has been muddied by hybridization to the point that its now different from the real deal....Like B. albo...we have the common "hobby" version (muddied with vagans), and now the real deal Nicaraguan albo.

user 666

Jan 27, 2017
The term was coined after an on-set accident during the shooting of the movie Arachnophobia. Several extras were eaten by supposedly docile and trained tarantulas.


Jul 2, 2016
Good Lord, I leave the hobby for a few years and now there's this "hobby form" stuff...someone explain this to the old guy who's been out of the loop for a few years please...what makes a critter a "hobby form"???
The hobby form usually equates to an unidentified species that may of been cross bred somewhere down the line. I think it has to do with hybridization, but may not always be the case.

For example, if someone decided to breed B.vagans and B.albopilosum they could easily sell the offspring as "hobby form" albopilosum or even something else. There's a huge difference between Nicaraguan albopilosum and hobby form, I suspect hobby form was not kept pure and resulted in some odd/different specimens. Breed those specimens again and bam! more hobby form for sale, and on and on it goes. I don't think anyone really knows for certain but it's quite an interesting topic.


May 22, 2017
Hobby form comes to play in 2 situations.

1. When a t is known in the hobby by one name, but its not actually the right name.

2. When a species has been muddied by hybridization to the point that its now different from the real deal....Like B. albo...we have the common "hobby" version (muddied with vagans), and now the real deal Nicaraguan albo.
Thanks for the info, makes sense now.

The hobby form usually equates to an unidentified species that may of been cross bred somewhere down the line. I think it has to do with hybridization, but may not always be the case.

For example, if someone decided to breed B.vagans and B.albopilosum they could easily sell the offspring as "hobby form" albopilosum or even something else. There's a huge difference between Nicaraguan albopilosum and hobby form, I suspect hobby form was not kept pure and resulted in some odd/different specimens. Breed those specimens again and bam! more hobby form for sale, and on and on it goes. I don't think anyone really knows for certain but it's quite an interesting topic.
Good info, thanks.