You literally took the words right out of my mouth. I had a female G.rosea fast for over two years.I wouldnt be worried about stressing them out, But more worried about the possibilites of them getting hurt. Its okay if they go a while without eating (Rosea's go on Fasts- some wont eat for a year or two...which is why feeding them the minimal is a good idea. but even then they can still fast)
Your rosie may not want to web- because of the chips. They arent big webbers to begin with, only laying down a thin Web blanket where they claim as their "home spot". Change the sub, Give them a week without Handling & poking around in their cages and they should do just fine!
mine has webbed up pretty much her entire enclosure thouroughly, but i agree with the rest of this. switch out the sub (the stress should be minimal if you corral her properly), make sure at least the top layer is dry if you use cococoir, and give her loads of it like others have mentioned, then leave her be for a while and it might be all the difference.They arent big webbers to begin with, only laying down a thin Web blanket where they claim as their "home spot". Change the sub, Give them a week without Handling & poking around in their cages and they should do just fine!
It looks like you need some more substrate.I've been busy this evening and made some changes the new sub is down. I used some organic peat moss with assurence that it contains no pesticides or fertalizers. My girls cooperated very well with little to no stress to all involved. Now I will just have to wait and see how things pan out hoping that I did the right thing. Thanks for the advice.
Am I right in that you're a newbie? No offense. We were all one once, and I still consider myself one, even after having tarantulas for more than 40 years!I have a g rosea that is not laying any webbing or eating she has been it her present enviroment for about 2 months now should I be concerend yet?