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Nhaundu chromatus


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Feb 14, 2005
I am gonna keep short....owwwww...... I am stupid and yeah my hand was tthrobbing for like and hour and then it went away. They vicious little ones!!! :wall: :?

I am gonna reply to myself!!!!!! Too lazy earlier to give what happened...well I have some fake pants in the enclosure and I was going to move some of it around to reduce the crick hiding and ummm..yeah it got all pissed off and threw threat pose and struck twice. I got nailed on the first strike. I had two little makrs on my pinkie toward the top of my hand for a a day or soo and then it was better. I had a headache in the morning though. :wall: :wall: :wall: I now remember the reason why I bought many paris of tweezers and hemas!!! :(
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