New T's, and fun with escaping.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
So, I added three T's to my collection today, From Art Cerda again. As I was at his place, I watched him chase an adult T. gigas out from under his couch, and thought, 'Well, I sure don't want to do that, I'll be really careful when I get home'

Right. ;)

So the first was a 1/2 inch H. lividum, that one was easy to transfer. Pop off the lid, put it in the new home on it's side, done.

Next up, was a 2 inch P. irminia. My roommate wound up on the couch, and I chased it all over the coffee table, until finally I managed to put the new home (sans dirt) on top of it. Added dirt, carefully, and that episode was done.

The last, was a gorgeous little 3 inch P. regalis. I was moving this one from an average size deli cup into a round kritter keeper, already loaded with bark. I thought I would be slick, and slip the new lid on top the old container, fenagle the T onto the lid, and just put the new lid on. This actually appeared to be working well right up to the point where I tried to move the new lid (and spider) onto the new enclosure. At some point, the ornamental got spooked, and decided to go to the TOP of the lid, which I was holding. Instantly all these posts about Poecioltheria venom run through my brain, and I freak and drop the lid onto the table (about 7 inches or so) At this point, Mr. regalis is not very happy, and running about the table, just like the prior T. So I am blocking it's exit from the table with an envelope, and somehow It decides to get into the new container for the heck of it. Bam! lid on, all done.

Fridays are fun :)



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Bill, and your room mate stayed there the whole time?


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
Originally posted by atavuss
Bill, and your room mate stayed there the whole time?
Yeah, he barely let his tough guy facade slip when he launched himself on the couch. Then, of course he just stood up and joked and watched from ten feet away :)

He was in a good mood, I brought him home a Desert Hairy Scorp too.



Old Timer
Sep 21, 2002
I guess I was real lucky with the new Ts I got last week. Got in about 20 in a single shipment and not a one made a serious escape attempt. It included a couple Aphonopelma seemani, a hair kicking Brachypelma smithi, a 1+" Vitalius cristatus, and three Avicularia avicularia, in addition to 12 rosies, which never give me trouble.

I did have fun with the three avics. Each of them refused to go into the container I was transferring them to and climbed all over me. Fortunately that doesn't bother me, or it would have been a problem. Of course, none of mine were pokies.

I did get a 3" usumbara this week and even he gave me no trouble. He went right into his container and I've fed him twice since and he was extremely calm (except when he pounced on the cricket and superworm I gave him.

I wonder if there is any difference among people's scents or something that affects Ts? None have seemed to give me problems. And the avics have now become quite docile and I have held two of them a couple of times with no trouble at all. Of course, I could just be experiencing beginner's luck. :)


Tarantula Lover

Psalmopoeus Lover
Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002

exciting story, i would have been scared to death if i had a regalis that escaped! Good Luck!


Mojo Jojo

Old Timer
Nov 3, 2002
I had a little bit of trouble with my P. cambridgi. And when dealing that, all the posts I have read comparing it to a Pokie went rushing through my head.:D

Well, it is just a sling now. If I have too much trouble with it when it gets bigger and is in its permanant home, I will probably sell or trade it. They are so fast!

Big DRagonfly