New to scorpions


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2007
Hello everyone, nice to meet you all.

About a week ago now I was given a small scorpion in a kitter keeper as a pet.
The person who gave me the scorpion left a bunch of crickets in the tank for me, and a roach or two, for the scorp to feed on.
He said his dad found it while gardening or something to that extent.

I live in Sydney Australia, so it's likely the scorp is from around there somewhere.

Was wondering if anyone could help with identification and some hints on how to keep it a happy, healthy scorp. So far, it hasn't really seemed to do a whole lot of much other then hide.

Is a picture I took of it. It looks bigger in the pic then it is. It's only really about 20-25mm in length. Only really tiny. I'm not sure if it's a baby or a full grown. it looks kind of fat to me, and maybe like it's exoskeleton isn't all that hard. Though I'm not putting my finger in there to give it a try. It doesn't seem to be very agressive.

Though it did come out of hiding to attack a cricket. When it failed, it ran away hiding again.

I've looked around online and think that perhaps it is a

Urodacus Armatus.
I think this because that species seems to be small, is all over australia, and the same sort of colouration to it. I also think it may be female, but this is a guess based on the pic of the female U.Armatus being fat looking and the male U.Armatus being slimmer.

Any information and advice would be greatly appreciated.


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2006
Pull the crickets and roaches out of there.

It looks like it just molted.

If you leave it they'll kill it.


Old Timer
May 14, 2004
Pull the crickets and roaches out of there.

It looks like it just molted.

If you leave it they'll kill it.
that coloration looks normal and i dont think the scorpion is in any danger. Still i agree that you should remove most, or all of the feeders from the tank as they are messy and can be a nuisance. I agree that it is most deffinitely a Urodacus of some sort, and even though i know little about the genus, given the widespread range of armatus, i would say that is a good guess. btw, you only need to capitalize the genus name, the species name is lower case. anyways, a great little scorpion for sure. i have heard they are very interesting. good luck,



Old Timer
Mar 1, 2007
Well, I've tried removing the crickets. Thats hard. they keep jumping away from me and I keep screaming like a sissy everytime they jump at me.

I'm finding more and more bugs in the tank as I go. I'm of the oppinion it might be easier to remove the scopr and start over from scratch.
Except I don't have the supplies to do that right now.

The person who gave it to me just threw in some dirt and leaf litter and gave it to me. So it's not a proper set up, rather messy, and I have no idea whats actually in there. I found a millipede o0

It seems to like building itself a little cubby hole deep down under the all the leaf litter, so I'll assume that this scorp is a burrowing one? I can't find any info on this type at all, so I'm guessing here.

What kind of substrate would be best? best as in easiest to keep clean and good for the scorp? High humidity for this type or low? The first few days the tank was completely dry, It's been nice and wet the last few days. I'm not sure what to go with though.


Old Timer
Nov 20, 2006
...What kind of substrate would be best? best as in easiest to keep clean and good for the scorp? High humidity for this type or low? The first few days the tank was completely dry, It's been nice and wet the last few days. I'm not sure what to go with though.

A good way to make it happy is to try to simulate the environment it came from, try to duplicate the climate of your friends garden.

As far as taking the scorp out, do that remove the other bugs, (dump them into another container or can) and put the scorp back in the KK.

Cheers Thaedion


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2007
I've read that site and couldn't find all that much that really helped me out. That was about the only site on Australian scorps that I could find online.
It also seemed a little on the unactive side.

I've emailed the webmaster, and hopefully he can help me out further.
Thanks ^^