New Guy Pics


Old Timer
Nov 26, 2004
your little girl asked so you did it ?

If she ask you to knock her head with a hammer to take a good picture for its friend, will you do it ?

This said ... who am I to tell you what to do


Thread Killer
Old Timer
Aug 16, 2005
Baboon said:
If she ask you to knock her head with a hammer to take a good picture for its friend, will you do it ?

This said ... who am I to tell you what to do

most likely not ;) and yea..coming from someone i see pics of holding h maculata and p murinus ;P just messing with you :D

honestly, nobody knows the personality of the spiders better than their owner. perhaps he/she has explained what to do and not to do to their children. i'm sure they wouldn't put a t on their kids if they felt the t would likely react in a negative way. i'm not saying to do it all the time, but there are many demonstrations in which kids hold tarantulas. i'd think having the t in their hands would more likely cause the t to react in a way that could harm the child, and then also the t if it gets apposed to them just sitting in one spot able to move on their own easier.