Need some info/advice on ferrets


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2006
hmm, never thought of that. Still gonna go with a ferret, then i'll get a beardie one day.


Old Timer
Jan 25, 2006
I just want to say i have heard lots of people talk about ferrets and give a somewhat negative light and i never understood it. I have had two ferrets at two seperate times in my life and they were both the most awesome pets ever. They had free reign over my 3 story house and once trained they never went to the bathroom anywhere except there litter boxes. Training and socialization when they are small is the key like many other domesticated animals my ferrets were never vicious towards anyone or violent.I believe alot of people mistake thier play for viciousness. I trained my ferrets not to nip within the first week and where to go to the bathroom in my room within the first 4 days. You have to gradually introduce them to new spaces if you plan on letting them go other places. They are quite micheiveious and do love attention and to play but i dont see that as high maintance. You will have to ferret proof things in your household to keep them from injury in some cases and yourself from worry. I would reccommend ferrets for dummies but there are other good books out there as well.


Old Timer
Nov 20, 2006
We currently have 19 ferrets, that have free roam of the house, except at night when they are locked up i nthe bedroom, as well as two sets of three that are alternatingly locked up, as they fight (three are new, the other three are the "queens" as we call them). Ours eat zupreem ferret food and duck soup (for the older, and skinny guys) which is made from chicken babyfood, ensure, gatorade, eggs, bananas... lots of stuff, lol..
Lets see, ours have tons of litter boxes, with puppy training pads beneath them. They almost always make it to the litter box, and if they miss, they go on the pad around it (saves floor) They also like going in door ways. They can get anywhere too, they have found ways into our couch, they even once got into the kitchen cupboard (all are bungey corded shut)
You also have to watch other pets, as some wont get along with dogs and such. We have a dog, who loves them, as well as two kittens, but this isnt always the norm.
I think the best bet with them, atleast ours, is to pput litter boxes where they want them, praise the heck out of them when they use them (we used to give them a treat each time they did so), bathe them no more then once a month, give them friends and tons of play time, and youre good.
Oh! Also, if you are going to feed a ferret cat food, make sure it is low fiber, and that they have all the food they want.
Ferrets are awesome little guys, and beyond amusing to watch. If you get one, I would advise finding a ferret rescue (there are a few) And NOT a petstore. Pet shop ferrets are often mistreated, and not kept in the best conditions, and there are a LOT of unwanted ferrets. Are last batch of three included one whos hardly 6months, an older female, and an older male. Rescue, and find a good ferret vet, they do need the regular shots and checkups like dogs and cats :) Stopping now! haha
Heres a link to pictures of ours:


Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
I love ferrets and have had several over the yrs because they have a shorter life span then a dog or cat. They are considered high maintainence pets. I find they do best being kept in a cage, but there are some people that let their's have free roam. One thing about ferrets, once you've had them, and they have become attached to you, they are totally yours more like a dog then a cat. Ours don't get out of the cage and roam around very often like they should, but they are still as loving and sweet and do not stop being tame like some pets become if they don't get daily attention. They can be as devoted to you as a dog! They don't forget anything either. We have 2 females here. My beloved male died from unkown reasons and we still have 2 girls. One of them my daughter got as a freebie from a pet store when she bought a new larger cage for her pet rat. This little girl didn't have a bitey bone or aggressive nature at all even though she spent a whole yr in a pet shop. Our little female we had has completely stopped doing the nips for attention that she used to do once we had Laura's Roxy here. They are like puppies in that most can learn not to bite and stuff. You just don't know how they are going to be because they aren't totally predictable. Cleaning a stinky cage is often annoying for people too. We have one that uses a litter box in the cage and one that doesn't. Out of the cage, they go in different places. The ferrets we have have always gotten along with our dogs and pestered the cats. It takes studying them and preparing for them before you buy one. They only live 5 to 7 yrs or so too so its heart breaking if they get sick suddenly or die from old age. They are prone to insulinoma and adrenal disease. No real cure for them and they will die or you need to put them to sleep when they get real ill. Some folks spend a lot on surgeries because these pets can have you as devoted to them as folks are to their dog or cat, but its very expensive and only prolongs their lives a yr or 2. I chose not to do that myself. It just takes special people to love and care for a ferret. Not for everyone.



Old Timer
Dec 27, 2003
I forgot to mention that I use the 3 in one brand of "Ferret Ultra" food and Eucanuba kitten food for my ferrets. Done this for several yrs and it seems to be just fine for them. I also give them an occassional raisin, and cran raisin,
and yogart treats for ferrets.
