Need pokie pic for tattoo


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2008
I advise against getting a tattoo of a tarantula. Reason being that its extremely hard to capture the true beauty of them with ink. A few members of this forum have gotten them done although I personally dont see the appeal, that is, unless you find an amazingly talented artist that can recreate the exact proportion, colour, etc.

Just my 0.02.
Are you kidding? I have seen plenty of fantastic looking tarantula/spider tattoos. My mom is a tattoo artist, and i have seen her tattoo plenty of things more difficult than a tarantula.
I think I understand what spyderowner69 is saying.
I have seen some wonderful tattoo artwork, and know a couple of high end priced tattoo artists. Any of them who come from an art background will truthfully admit that there are techniques and subtleties that you just can't capture with ink that you can with fine art mediums. If you match up a great oil on canvas realist painter and a great tattoo artist it would almost laughable the difference in the degree of realism. I think that is all he was trying to say. Thats not saying there is no good tattoo artwork out there. He was just stating that he doesn't care for the lack of photo quality artwork you get with a tattoo, and frankly I agree with that statement.