Need Help!!


Jun 12, 2007
Hello everyone! First of all if this question has been answered already let me first say sorry for asking it again. But my goodness :eek: there are sooo many topics in here. I would like to ask the experts. I already have a b. smithi. Well I'm looking more for a list of terrestrial tarantulas (no digging or swinging from treetop kind LOL ) that might be docile, don't get that big (don't know if I can handle anything in the 8-10 inch range) Hell I'd be terrified if it ever got out! lol (I think I would still be able to handle getting it if I had too. Just might feel creepy doing it!) ANYWAYS!! :wall: back to my original agenda I would like something not too big, docile, yet active enough I can see it spin webs. If anyone can help I'd appreciate it!! Thanks sooooo much I love all the info here. I just wish I could better navigate through it. It overwhelms me at times! ;)


Old Timer
Jul 14, 2003
... something not too big, docile, yet active enough I can see it spin webs...
Well, sounds to me like GBB - lot of activity, lot of web, not too big - go for it!
On second thought I'd recommend G.pulchra - docile, active, not too big (in fact slow grower) ... not much web however.
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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2007
I agree with Walter, get a greenbottle blue (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens)
you won't be disappionted
they web alot, they look really nice, as slings and adults
I think they grow to about 4" to 5"
hope this helps


Jun 12, 2007
Why the switched answer?

Well, sounds to me like GBB - lot of activity, lot of web, not too big - go for it!
On second thought I'd recommend G.pulchra - docile, active, not too big (in fact slow grower) ... not much web however.
Just wondering why you changed your mind?? My friend has a GBB and it is pretty cool. I've seen him molt twice since he's gotten him. So why the change of heart?? :confused:


Jun 12, 2007
Ok I would like a Terrestrial that doesn't burrow

I'd second the G. Pulchra, of course I'm biased ;P
Ok since you're biased on the subject I figuere you can tell me all the upsides to having a G. Pulchra. What makes this guy special?? Oh and I did say small these guys get up to 7-8 inches.. HELLO!!! :eek: LOL Are ya'll trying to give me a heart attack here! :wall: Ok so what's the good side to this little (big) guy?? :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Apr 14, 2003
If you want to stay in the Brachypelma sp. get a B.emilia they are docile (well mine was)
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Old Timer
Nov 11, 2006
Get a L para, they only get to 11 inches, that figure wasn't included, lol. Actually, that would be a good choice for you, mines a big baby.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2006
believe me, once a t grows up with you, it won't matter how big it gets :p

g. pulchra are the most docile species i ever encountered and they are gorgeous with their total black coat.

on the other hand, you cannot go wrong with chromatopelma cyaneopubescens - however it is a hairflicker, like most brachypelmas are.

a small species would be aphonopelma bicoloratum: colourful, docile, not an avid hairflicker (well, mine's not), only grows to about 5 inches, good display spider. plus, it's not as expensive as g. pulchra ;)


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
Grammastola aureostriata

i noticed G. pulchra was recommended a lot and i can certainly understand why as they are awesome T's; supposed to be very docile, get a decent size, not to mention they're beautiful. i don't know what your budget is or if you were looking for a sling or adult. The only reason i ask is because an adult G. pulchra is going to cost A LOT if you can find one and as far as slings go - let me know if you find any because i would very much like to get a few. They are supposed to be very slow growing but i don't mind that so much because the adults are just so expensive.

One of my favorite T's is my G. aureostriata. While they do get up to 8 inches, i agree with Alice that you will be used to the size of a larger T once it grows up. i have a G. aureostriata sling and one that is about 4 inches. They are pretty inexpensive so you could easily find one that is at least big enough (3" - 4") to enjoy looking at something that actually looks like a T. Mine is super docile - maybe the favorite in my collection. She is so much prettier than any pic i have ever seen of one - i was very surprised about that when i unpacked her. She has not flicked hairs ever, isn't skittish at all. If i had to describe her in one word it would be... "Sweet" She is always out and just last night i was watching her excavate her house, moving around webbed piles of dirt. She is also a great eater. Mine was part of a package deal and i wasn't super excited about that T in particular; however now i am so glad i was lucky enough to get her - as i said, she just may be my favorite T in my collection.


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004
Are you interested in a sling, juvi, or adult? The price will vary dramaticly depending on size, gender, and availablity of certain species.

G. pulchra would be a good choice, expensive if you can find one available.

GBB is another great choice, amazing colours, big eater, big webber, and unless in pre-moult almost always visible.

Most of the Brachypelma species meet your criteria, great choices are, B. vagans, B. emilia, B. klassi, there are others as well.

Perhaps one of the dwarf species, C. elegans


Old Timer
Jul 14, 2003
Just wondering why you changed your mind?? My friend has a GBB and it is pretty cool. I've seen him molt twice since he's gotten him. So why the change of heart?? :confused:
I'm just biased too ... ;P :p
When I watch my GBB it's the most beautiful T. on the World, when I watch G.pulchra, she's the winner, watching B.smithi makes me change my mind again ... and so on.
ALL of them are simply THE BEST!


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2007
I'm just biased too ... ;P :p
When I watch my GBB it's the most beautiful T. on the World, when I watch G.pulchra, she's the winner, watching B.smithi makes me change my mind again ... and so on.
ALL of them are simply THE BEST!
Haha, that is too funny and true. My favorite seems to depend on which one I am looking Each is very unique in it's own sense.

I vote GBB or Chaco golden knee...

and like Alice said...if it grows up in your presence, a 8" T wont be so intimidating after all when you watch it grow.


Jun 12, 2007
MY GOODNESS why do I have a funny feeling I'm going to be going from owning one sling to many.. All the choices you guys made are cool. Now I'm still not so sure about any 10 inch spiders here! :embarrassed: LOL But so far I do like the others that are recommended. Right now I do have a B. smithi sling. He/she is 1.5" I have pics of him/her in the picture thread.

LOL I rather have more of a webber though then a burrower since my b.smithi is that now. And I would like it to be a little fast growing as well.

I am wanting a sling not a full adult since I know they are expensive but I rather have it from a sling so I can see all the changes as it goes along. {D
Also very colorful would be nice. I have a funny feeling that as long as I stay on this boards my collection might get bigger that's you ya'll!! lol ;P


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
MY GOODNESS why do I have a funny feeling I'm going to be going from owning one sling to many..
LOL I rather have more of a webber though then a burrower since my b.smithi is that now. And I would like it to be a little fast growing as well.

I am wanting a sling not a full adult since I know they are expensive but I rather have it from a sling so I can see all the changes as it goes along. {D
Also very colorful would be nice.
Well, first off i can pretty much guarantee you will be owning more slings than you ever imagined if you stay active on this board. i went from 1 to 41 (slings and bigger T's) in about a month and a half... :eek:

i understand you wanted a sling to save money and also preferring a T that doesn't burrow. However, i think a lot of slings burrow much more so than when adults. Your B. smithi is a perfect example. The slings will burrow but usually make better display T's as they get bigger. i also have 2 B. vagans slings that are awesome to watch grow - they both just recently molted and changed drastically - however, they pretty much live in their burrows and i'm lucky they made them large enough i can still see them through the side of their cubes. My larger B. vagans has a flower pot hide but is almost always out. i guess what i'm trying to say is that if your set on slings, i think you will find that most will in fact burrow even if they make good display T's when they get bigger.

i had a lot of slings and i too really wanted something i could see out and watch. That is why i recently acquired several larger T's. It has also helped curb my desire to buy so many all the time because i have some 'real' T's to watch. i will always buy slings a lot because i love to watch them grow but definitely glad i bought a few bigger T's to enjoy. i have 2 B. smithi, 1 B. vagans, 1 G. aureostriata, 1 G. rosea and 1 N. chromatus that are all bigger terrestrials and enjoy them all. i also have one large E. murinus, while not a true terrestrial, it comes out nearly every night and makes all kinds of webs all over its entire enclosure. It's an aggressive eater and i enjoy watching this busy T at night. While mine does not burrow, it has quite an elaborate hide after doing some major construction on the flower pot i gave it. It's locked up tight as Ft. Knox during the day but very active T at night.

Good luck and let us know which sling(s...) you end up getting!


Old Timer
Mar 2, 2007
Get them all

Every T listed in the responses on this thread are awesome choices for you, so get them all. Do not disobey, just do it. Oh, and Julesaussies is right, your B. smithi will be a great, out-in-the-open display T when he/she is a little older. Definitely one of my favorite T's; and the Chaco is a must have too for the bulldozing, eating, patterns; and the GBB . . . you get the picture.


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Well, GBB's are beautiful, active webbers that eat like crazy, the only thing you will need to watch with them is they are speedy.
G. pulchras are very beautiful as well, but painfully slow growing, and hard to find.
I would suggest looking into a B. albopilosum. A curlyhair tarantula. They are a pretty T, they are active, and they are great earth movers. They construct tunnels and all kinds of burrows. They do hide some but not always.
I know you said you didn't want anything in the 10 inch range, if you hadn't I would also suggest an A. geniculata, or Brazilain white knee. They are big, eat well, and never hide, you can always see them.


Jun 12, 2007
Well, first off i can pretty much guarantee you will be owning more slings than you ever imagined if you stay active on this board. i went from 1 to 41 (slings and bigger T's) in about a month and a half... :eek:

First of all Jules OMG!!!! :eek: That is soooo crazy but I bet cool as hell!! So many choices and now I dont' know where to start. LOL

Every T listed in the responses on this thread are awesome choices for you, so get them all. Do not disobey, just do it. Oh, and Julesaussies is right, your B. smithi will be a great, out-in-the-open display T when he/she is a little older. Definitely one of my favorite T's; and the Chaco is a must have too for the bulldozing, eating, patterns; and the GBB . . . you get the picture.
TOO FUNNY I do want to get them all now LOL. I know a couple of my friends that NEVER leave my house get all creeped out about Patch. HHMMMM good excuse to get more so they go home faster! LOL :clap: I will keep you guys posted on which ones I get. I'm really liking the GBB but of course all the other ones are awesome as well!! HMMM choices, choices, choices. Jules I might end up like you!! LOL :rolleyes:


Jun 12, 2007
Anybody Know

I'm found of the Eupalastrus campestratus (Pink Zebra ) But I'm not seeing too many on dealers websites. Any recommendations???