I mean slings. I ordered a bunch slings. The list goes like this;
B. smithi 1/2"
B. vagans 1/2"
H. lividum 1/2"
L. parahybana 1/2"
P. murinus 3/4"
How exciting I KNOW!!! So now I'm wondering about a setup. Well not really, I've kind of figured it out/looked it up/someone suggested some stuff. So I got some old jars. Filled them with peat soil, and Bam!
There's some pictures below of the jars. The two taller ones are for the slings that will burrow(not all of them are in the pictures). The two tanks are my setups for my two G. roseas.
So what do you think?
Oh, and those are pictures of the crickets I plan to feed them, they're about 1/2" in length.
B. smithi 1/2"
B. vagans 1/2"
H. lividum 1/2"
L. parahybana 1/2"
P. murinus 3/4"
How exciting I KNOW!!! So now I'm wondering about a setup. Well not really, I've kind of figured it out/looked it up/someone suggested some stuff. So I got some old jars. Filled them with peat soil, and Bam!
There's some pictures below of the jars. The two taller ones are for the slings that will burrow(not all of them are in the pictures). The two tanks are my setups for my two G. roseas.
So what do you think?
Oh, and those are pictures of the crickets I plan to feed them, they're about 1/2" in length.