N. Chromatus, C. Fasciatum suggestions?


Old Timer
Mar 11, 2007
Hey everybody, just picked up two new t's today, both of which are very small but carry their adult colors, does that mean they are slings or juves? I picked up a Nhandu chromatus and a Cyclosternum fasciatum, the N. chromatus is around 1" and the C. fasciatum is about 1/3-1/2", so I'll let you guys inform and educate me. Both are gorgeous little spiders and i'm stoked, just wondering if you all had any advice as this is my first exposure to either species. Share some stories if you have 'em too, it's always nice to hear people's experiences.

oh, and also if i could get some substrate tips, since i had my a. seemanni in a kk with about 3 inches of sub. and 10" to the roof until i was informed of their burrowing nature (thankfully it was pretty soon after i got her) so i would like to avoid that altogether this time. can you guys hook me up with a good caresheet that would inform me of how to lay out an environment for these guys and maybe offer some info about their regular behaviour? thanks


AB FB Group Moderatr
Old Timer
Apr 23, 2004
I had a N. chromatus that eventually got up to around 5" before it died of unknown causes (some kind of CNS disease it looked like...maybe parasites but I doubt it as it was CB). They are fast for NW'rs and mine had an attitude "problem" which is typical for this species. They love to burrow...I just used peat moss as a substrate and packed it down pretty hard in layers as I filled up the tank. Worked out very well, tunnels held until I had to dig it up one day ;)


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I just love Cyclosternum fasciatum. I have three females and they all grew fairly fast. They love to eat so I had to cut back a little cause they eat anything and everything. But I love them plus they breed easily and who wouldent like that?


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2004
N. chromatus - Mine loved to dig, (named "Digger"). It created a tunnel which went completely around the base of the KK it was in at 2".

Attitude, mine is a complete wacko, at 3" it shows a threat display at the slightest disturbance (feeding, filling water dish).

Oh, and it's very big eater, and fast grower.