Mystery Tarantula

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Trav,
I just got my camera back from being repaired.They use wet sponge to
water the T's.When thay set up new inports every T get a wet sponge so
thay can drink.

PS:What do you think of the pictures.Thay were the first pictures i've
taken since I got it back from repair.

Satellite Rob


Old Timer
Feb 17, 2008
The pictures are very nice. Now you should take some of your more rare brachypelma's. I like brachy's and you say you have alot of them. :)

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Trav,
You want to know why I don't show more pictures it's because every time
I do.I get trashed.So far in this thread there was 1 person that said nice
bug.Thanks Philth.I got 5 T's today.Theres 1 I never seen before.While I was
picking out 50 - 5" to 6" E. Murinus(Skeleton's).I always feed them and only
take what eats.While feeding them I found a skeleton that looks like a P.
Metallica when it raises to her defence stance.The top is normal.But the
underside of it's legs was every bit as blue as a P. Metallica.The only reason
my collection is what it is today.Is because of this importer.I have 12 T's
that I still don't know what thay are.After I found the skeleton.I looked at
a total of 400 or 500 other skeletons.But it was the only one.I would like to share
some of these with the board.But every time I do.I get trashed.I don't like imports
either.But I don't need to hear the same things every post.Because there's
nothing you or I can do about it.I have an advantage over most collectors. I see tens of thousands of T's a month and if thay don't know what it is.Thay
save it for me.Most of the time I tell what it is and than it goes on there list.
But if I don't know what it is.It comes home with me.In a few days i'm going
to try 1 more post.It will be my new blue skeleton and i'll see how bad I get
trashed again.Nobody likes to get trashed.Everybody have a great day.

Satellite Rob
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Old Timer
Feb 17, 2008
Rob you need to learn how to chill out. How does your dealer get such rare Brachypelma when they are banned from export out of Mexico?
I think more people would be happy to see your photos than not.

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hay Trav,
Thay hardly ever get adult Bracy's.The last time thay got adult Brachy's was about
18 months ago.Thay bought an estate of a collector who died.There about
45 Brachy's and a total of 300 spiders.I got 14 of them 6-Smithi's,2-Annitha's
2-Klaasi's,2-Schroederi's,1-albicepes and 1-Baumgarteni.I payed $1,800. and I took the
best them all females.There also was Emilia,Boehmei,Auratum,Albopilosum'Angustum and
Sabulosum.But I didn't take them.Thay always have 3 or 4 CB Brachy's juvi's of one type
or another.The smallest thay buy are about 1" to 1-1/2".Thay prefer to buy
them at 3".Thay never get WC Brachy's.

Satellite Rob
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Old Timer
Apr 13, 2009
Satellite Rob, that is an awesome looking T! Whatever it is...another one to add to my growing wish list! :drool: From your posts it definitely sounds like you have an envious position in adding to your collection. In my opinion, cherry-picking at its best! :worship: Do you ever breed and/or post anything out of your collection for sale?

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Spiderfield,
I'm thinking of putting it up for sale or trade.I would consider any T's,pedes
or money.If you like this one?Just wait a couple of days for the next one.It's
amazing.This one is Acanthoscurria Fracta.Spiderfield thanks for the post and
have a great day.

PS:I only wholesale my spiderlings.Unless there really rare.

Satellite Rob


Old Timer
Dec 9, 2008
Hi Trav,
Because there's
nothing you or I can do about it.
I have to disagree. The simple answer is to not purchase wc from dealers who mass export, especially those doing so illegally. It's (largely) a matter of supply and demand.

Would it affect your ability to collect some rare and less well-described species? Perhaps. But the demand created (knowingly or unknowingly) for wc spiders is doing the hobby a true disservice.

I'm not trying to blast you or make you a scapegoat, I just think it is important for all T owners to consider their own impact on the hobby. I was quite taken aback by your casual reference to a shipment of 500 blondis, and it suggests, if nothing else, that you have become desensitized to the gravity of this issue.

Disclaimer: I am speaking as a person who is relatively new to the hobby, and I believe there needs to be more information available to the public (beyond the world of AB) about the dangers of wc. How this would be accomplished, I'm not sure. I would venture to guess that most who are also new are unaware of this, and how their support of pet stores, for example (how I'd imagine many get their start), is contributing to the problem. I certainly was not aware that my Rosie was likely wc, as I adopted her from someone who could no longer care for her, and I accept responsibility for contributing to the issue.


Old Timer
Sep 25, 2006
I have to disagree. The simple answer is to not purchase wc from dealers who mass export, especially those doing so illegally. It's (largely) a matter of supply and demand.

Would it affect your ability to collect some rare and less well-described species? Perhaps. But the demand created (knowingly or unknowingly) for wc spiders is doing the hobby a true disservice.

I'm not trying to blast you or make you a scapegoat, I just think it is important for all T owners to consider their own impact on the hobby. I was quite taken aback by your casual reference to a shipment of 500 blondis, and it suggests, if nothing else, that you have become desensitized to the gravity of this issue.

Disclaimer: I am speaking as a person who is relatively new to the hobby, and I believe there needs to be more information available to the public (beyond the world of AB) about the dangers of wc. How this would be accomplished, I'm not sure. I would venture to guess that most who are also new are unaware of this, and how their support of pet stores, for example (how I'd imagine many get their start), is contributing to the problem. I certainly was not aware that my Rosie was likely wc, as I adopted her from someone who could no longer care for her, and I accept responsibility for contributing to the issue.

Here's an easier answer.

Instead of blocking out the Importer, buy bulk WC specimens from him/her. Use them in a collective effort for CB spiderlings, a.k.a., a huge breeding project. You might be buying WC tarantulas, but if you can become successful with breeding them then i think that would be the most helpful thing to do.

besides, if you are talking about T. blondi, it's extremely hard to successfully breed them, and even then, there aren't that many viable offspring produced.

T blondi has nothing on G rosea in terms of WC collecting. One dealer i have talked to said the number of rosea that are collected from the wild and exported from chile every year is 200,000+. I can't really verify this as being true, only what i was told.. so keep that in mind.


Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi HokiePokie727,
The only problem with that is that the demand for these imports keeps going
up and the supply keeps going down.This place does everything by the book.
As long as thay obay the law.Theres nothing we can do about it.I didn't
make this thread to have a debate about importing and exporting.I just want
the show the members a spider rarely seem by anybody.A truly rare T.
Remember I didn't import these spiders.HokiePokis727 it's been a pleasure
reading your posts and have a great day.

Satellite Rob

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Dan,
Your point is well taken.Until importing is a thing of the past.We should be
trying to obtain as many different species as possibly.So we can have breeding stock
for many generations to come.Dan thanks for your post and have a great day.
Now lets talk about bugs.

Satellite Rob


Old Timer
Jan 14, 2008
Hey Rob would it be possible to see a photo of this odd ball Skeleton you have, and also those Fracta are awesome to bad there are not more in the hobby.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
It came in a shipment of 500 T. Blondi's.It is one of the most aggressive T's
i've ever seen.It makes Cobalt blues or Skeletons look like a kitten.I think it's
Acanthoscuria Fracta.It's only about 5" and it's a large juvi at the moment.
But it's got alot growing left to go.Anybody have any other ideas of what it
might be.This T is demonic.It will strick at anything that moves.If you pick up
her container or even way your hand at it from 3 feet away.It will strick first
and then get in a defence pose for 15 minutes.

Satellite Rob
:drool: oooh! want:D

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Redapache,
I'll be taking some pictures tonight and I will be making a new thread for it in
the next couple of days.I hope the pictures will show the blue underside as
rich and blue as it really is.I'm still going to give this thread a couple more
days.Because I would have remove the A. Fracta pictures to make the next
thread.Redapache watch for the next thread and have a great day.

Satellite Rob

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Pete,
Are you on vacation or are sick.I went by U.R. and you were not there.I was
going to bring this T's to show you.This T is the most aggressive T I have ever seen.
I've been calling it the Devil T or the Demon T.Email me and let me know
when your going back to work.This way you can see it.Always a pleasure.
Have a great day.

Satellite Rob

Satellite Rob

Old Timer
Jun 2, 2008
Hi Endagr8,
The Board only allows 1000 KB for pictures and at 800 KB already.So either I leave these
pictures alone or I erace them to make a new thread.Maybe one day will the board will
expand it.This way it could hold more pictures.Endagr8 thanks for taking the time to post.

Satellite Rob
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