Mystery Sri Lankan roach


Old Timer
Sep 25, 2007
Years ago when I lived in Sri Lanka I found a truly unique cockroach in my house. Of course, American roaches have infested the island through shipping crates and are everywhere, but the species I found must have been endemic. It was neon bright, and colored purple and bright yellow with a similar pattern to the harlequin roach that I have seen advertised by breeders. I found it living under the corner of one of my bird cages and seemed to be eating bird droppings that fell around the area. I was much younger then, but I still thought it was pretty so I didn't kill it and it stayed around for a while. I would estimate it was about two inches long and had that exotic wide backed look that madagascars and dubia have. Does anybody know what kind of roach this was? I have searched on google and there really isn't much information available. Anybody have any experience with roaches from the region? This was in Colombo 7, if anybody knows the area.


Old Timer
Sep 25, 2007
wow, that's very close. the difference is that the carapace was ~1.5x wider in the Sri Lankan species and the black in the illustration was BRIGHT neon purple. Perhaps it's a different species in the same genus?