I only have a picture of Kiwi (my large male who allowed me to hold him tonight... he honestly is like so unworried didn't coil at all) and a poor picture of the smaller millipede next to him that I am not sure of gender or personality etc. Kiwi is relatively at home in my hand considering I tried to put him back (without picking up) multiple times and he just cruised, i eventually had to pick him up and place him the enclosure. They ALL love the substrate from the looks of it, eating good amounts from some the the poop that has already accumulated, and digging tunnels galore. First day this guys have become topside. So they stayed down over 24 hours, but these two seemed to have adjusted relatively quickly.
Happy millis make me smile. I have to get a good picture of his face next time <3 so sweet and soft.
Happy millis make me smile. I have to get a good picture of his face next time <3 so sweet and soft.