These are pictures of my new little baby. I called her Molly.
These are thge best pics we could come up with without desturbing her during her first meal.
She is about 1", I am almost positive that it is a P.Murinus since i bought her from Tarcan.
Besides she does have orange coloration (her hairs) and i think that she might be in premolt.
That's exactly what i wanted; speed ! and a little aggresion
Kirdec, yours is a cutie, mine is just a bit darker then yours ( not as much orange ) but like i said i think that she is in premolt. (all her sling brothers and sisters are also molting).
I will post more pics when she is not eating or hiding ...... that might take a while, we'll see.
NO NO NO, all my T are like my children. They are all unique with their own little persomality.
I am not crazy !! I swear !
I just thought that she would be a great new little T to adopt. Besides i think that she is my sling with the most entertaining personality. ... so far.
Yes spiderling are, in my little personal experience, more unpredictable (not about biting thing, but more speedy, more nervous) probably because they're housed in smaller container to, i've learn a lot with my first Pterinochilus murinus
It's actually not that big, i think that the pic makes it look a little bigger cause she is squishing it against the wall. But it was still quite big.
But yep, she is a fiesty one.
I just got a new 1" Murinus sling from Tarcan on June 8th. Maybe they're siblings! Mine looks nearly identical to yours in terms of colouration. It's actually gone full arboreal and webbed the top corner of its enclosure.
They mopst likely are siblings although with very diff. persomalities. Mine loves her ground even though i have caught her at the top a couple of times, she made her entire web under a leaf near the bottom.
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