My new Dog, 'American Bully'


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
So im pretty excited about getting this dog from my good friend Johnny at Big House Kennels. Her name is 'Gorda' shes an American Bully which is a decendant of the American Pitbull Terrier. Shes only 9months old and whent into her first heat and had complications, I guess her uterus or something prolapsed. They sowed it back in place but said if she ever goes into heat again that it will happen all over and she can not ever be bred. Ive been looking to get another dog from him to keep 'Bella' company while im at work, I got her from his very first breeding. Im stoked, getting a great dog for the price of a spay!

To check out pics of her Follow:
Shes the third dog pictured, Cant cut/paste pics as the site is protected.

Will be posting more pics shortly!:)


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
I'm curious as to why they didn't spay her when they had her open? It makes no sense to fix something that would happen again and she cannot breed. The very first thing you should do is have her spayed. She will be much better off and less chance of breast cancer in the future. Very sharp looking girl though!


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2008
I'd be wary, I'm sorry.. I don't see anywhere saying that they health test... and this breed can have serious problems (HD, eye issues, joints, skin, ect.) so that should be a priority in breeding... But I don't see their health titles anywhere.. Some of their dogs have obvious physical flaws - knees turned out, elbowed out, bowed legs, knuckling over, straight pasterns, easty-westy feet, sway backs, very loose lips... A general rule when choosing a bully breeder - is the FIRST thing they say HEAD size? lol those are the ones you avoid, they list head size, weight, height, and color but nothing on temperament testing or health, or titles.

I know you said he was a friend of yours, but those are just not breeding worthy dogs - most of them.

Forgive me, I am not trying to be insulting, but I am very passionate about bully breeds in general.. I suggest you check out the American Bully section at pitbull-chat.

The reason it is so important to go to a reputable breeder who is putting out temperamentally and physically healthy dogs is because this is a 10-15 year commitment. Do you want a potentially unhealthy or unstable dog all that time?

Good luck with the new dog, and as said, spay her as soon as you can for her sake.


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
The vet said she wasnt going to be able to be spayed until the tissues have healed completely, which will be another 4 wks. I guess her insides were dragging on the ground...:( She will have her stiches taken out in a week. As for spaying her while she was open, I asked johnny about it and he said the vet wanted to make sure the rest of the tissues were going to stay in place. Hes a knowledgeable vet who sees all his dogs so im sure that was the best thing to do for her.

And now for Speedy......

Johnny and Stu are both very good friends of mine, I called them and told them your opinions of their dogs/kennel. They said to tell you that you are a big dumb dumb and that they would not be selling dogs for 3K if they were breeding crap like you inferred. Please stay off this thread, I was posting this because i was excited and wanted to share with people not so i could hear from haters like you. Im sure the people on the chat link you provided would love to hear what you have to say.

I'd be wary, I'm sorry.. I don't see anywhere saying that they health test... and this breed can have serious problems (HD, eye issues, joints, skin, ect.) so that should be a priority in breeding... But I don't see their health titles anywhere.. Some of their dogs have obvious physical flaws - knees turned out, elbowed out, bowed legs, knuckling over, straight pasterns, easty-westy feet, sway backs, very loose lips... A general rule when choosing a bully breeder - is the FIRST thing they say HEAD size? lol those are the ones you avoid, they list head size, weight, height, and color but nothing on temperament testing or health, or titles.

I know you said he was a friend of yours, but those are just not breeding worthy dogs - most of them.

Forgive me, I am not trying to be insulting, but I am very passionate about bully breeds in general.. I suggest you check out the American Bully section at pitbull-chat.

The reason it is so important to go to a reputable breeder who is putting out temperamentally and physically healthy dogs is because this is a 10-15 year commitment. Do you want a potentially unhealthy or unstable dog all that time?

Good luck with the new dog, and as said, spay her as soon as you can for her sake.


Jun 18, 2010
That was just advise from one enthusiast to another and you get bent out of shape.Perhaps you should heed the advice and do some research before jumping in to a breed that can have serious issues.That is all speedy was saying now its great to get a "new dog" for the price of a spay,but it may not end there.


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
A person comes on here trashing my friends kennel saying they have 'not breeding worthy dogs', and throws around afew breeding terms like theyre a big shot. Ya it does tick me off I would expect no less from a friend of mine. This speedy is a joke, seriously, Just because someone knows 'breeding terms' doesnt mean they apply at all. Some of their dogs have won best in show at Bully Shows, guess the judges dont know what theyre doing huh?

Offkilter, I have been around bullies for years, i think my 'needed research' has been done in the field im aware of what may lay ahead. If she ends up needing a hysterectomy at some point in the future i will cross that bridge when i come to it.

Anyways...... im still happy ill have a new dog in my home soon.

Im done with this thread.


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2008
Alright, like I said no offense meant. But you can SEE the faults, how can the breeder say they are not there when you can see them? And yes, many bully show judges do turn a blind eye to one fault because the dog has a nice head, I've seen a dog with pasterns so down I don't know how it could walk properly get titles for "Best Head" and "Best Chest".

I am not throwing breeding terms around at all...? I was talking conformation.

I think you took my comment wrong too, I didn't mean the dogs themselves weren't worthy as individuals, I meant they shouldn't be bred and pass their faults down to puppies, not breeding-worthy, or at least they should be pairing them with dogs to help with the faults if it's a minor flaw and the rest of the dog is excellent. I also deal in German Shepherds.. so I'll put it this way.. If the dog is an amazing worker, great drives, good health, etc. but has a conformation flaw, I can see pairing him with a bitch who can help correct the flaw to pass on the temperament and good health to pups.

There is no reason to get offended or for your friend to get offended. He should be working to improve the dog's faults and taking crit. is part of being a breeder, especially one who shows their dogs.

It's not just for looks, elbowing out, bad pasterns, etc. etc. cause problems later in life too.

I'm sorry you see me as a joke.. Perhaps you can go where I suggested and see if the other people, in the bully section, think of the kennel and if they are jokes as well. If you do go there - feel free to PM me so I can get you access to the bully forum. I really am a friendly person and am also an enthusiast for the bull breeds.

I also want to say, that just because you can sell them for 3-5k doesn't mean a lot. I have had people offer me 1k to stud my Shepherd to their bitch just because he looks cool and has a bad temperament, people have more money than brains a lot of times. I could have made a ton of profit off of him if I were selfish enough to stud him out and pass on his weak temperament.

And congrats on the new addition, she looks like a doll and I hope she's everything you want.