hey everyone,
i saw some pretty cool pictures here and decided to share mine - i hope you like them.
so these are my big ladies: A. versicolor, B. albiceps (formerly ruhnaui), C. cyanopubescens, Cyriopagopus spec. 'blue' I (singapore), G. pulchra, L. parahybana. in my other thread you can see the A. purpurea i got today.
i have some slings as well, but they are not fond of me or my camera
if you like those, i might post some more pictures of ts i have kept in the past.
i saw some pretty cool pictures here and decided to share mine - i hope you like them.
so these are my big ladies: A. versicolor, B. albiceps (formerly ruhnaui), C. cyanopubescens, Cyriopagopus spec. 'blue' I (singapore), G. pulchra, L. parahybana. in my other thread you can see the A. purpurea i got today.
i have some slings as well, but they are not fond of me or my camera
if you like those, i might post some more pictures of ts i have kept in the past.
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