Moving house - how to transport tailless whip scorpion


Nov 14, 2021
I'm hoping someone might have some experience of what works best here I'm worrying myself stupid over it 😅
Next week I'm moving house with all my critters, but I have no clue how to move Mr Grabz; itll be about a 4.5 hour drive. He lives in a 30x30x45 exo terra with lots of cork bark that is buried into the substrate to give it stability. Since most of the time he is hanging, I'm thinking the vibrations of the car will make him unstable/bother him/ wear down his tarsal claws (also I know the cork bark falling is a risk even though it is firmly rooted under substrate and wedged firmly in a sort of jigsaw).
When I brought him home (I got him from a local place) they gave him to me in an acrylic tub that they had been keeping him in which I want to say is roughly 20cm cubed. Would he be better off travelling in that with a piece of bark wedged in? Or maybe no bark and he just sit on the substrate? Or would it be best to get as small a container as he will fit in and pack it with paper towel and put him in there as if he were being shipped?
I honestly dont know what will be least stressful and safest for him and I love the little guy so much I'm terrified of stressing him out and or hurting him.
If it makes any difference hes not a baby, hes a decent size I'd say his body is about 2" long and his legs and antenna form legs are huge
Thanks if anyone is able to suggest anything!


to the rescue!
Old Timer
Apr 20, 2005
I think it is safe to say that for any animal being transported, it is best not to move it within its enclosure. There are too many "moving parts" and things that can endanger the animal. Even a blunt hit from the enclosure's wall can pose a risk to its health.
For a whip spider, I would put it in a tight box lined with lightly moist paper towel, basically the entire internal surface of the box should be paper towel to allow the animal a firm grip. If the box is somewhat tall you can place a piece of egg crate in it for the animal to rest in, but I wouldn't overdo it since the idea is to have the animal padded with something soft.