There are plenty of species in this hobby many people never has heard of so your question is hard to answer.I was looking at mr collection today and I love all of my tarantulas. but I was wondering in everybody else opinion and market wise. what is the most sought after tarantula and most expensive in the hobby today
In europe you can shop those prices in half =) Theraphosa blondi slings goes for around 30euros and adult females aprox 130-150 euros and X. immanis slings for about 20euros and about 80-90 euros for an adult female.Probably the ones listed in the other 50 threads that deal with this topic
But anyway, I would say Poecliotheria smithi or True Theraphosa blondi.
I have seen offers up to a thousand dollars for an adult female True T.blondi on some boards, and the P.smithi goes for around 500-600 dollars for an female.
Poecilotheria metallica still pulls its weight at $200 a sling.
The Aviculra diversipes is not so uncommonI selanodium
A diversipes
P everetti