molt indications...


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2010
y'know how, if the T has used some hairs, you can tell if it's in premolt by the exo-skeleton getting dark? well does that work on other parts of the spider? like there's a couple places where i can see the exo near my obt's patella and it's that the normal color or is it the same indication as the abdomen? also, can you tell from the color of it's "muscles"? like where you can see the grey under it's legs and around it's chelicerae? it's usually grey but sometimes black...what do you guys think? thanks in advance for any info :)


Apr 11, 2010
Pretty much the whole exoskeleton will lose color vibrancy to some effect when in premolt.
Also, I had a MM obt that turned colors when he got real old. At about 8 months after he matured he had noticably bald patellas and it was a deep shiny black color. This progressed over a few more months until all 4 of his rear legs were completely bald and black. His abdomen was very black too under the setae that was left, and he got gradually smaller overall. He stopped webbing and hiding, but continued to eat and drink and he lived for about a year and a half past maturity, which is pretty dang long.
I don't know if any of this helps you, but at least its something to compare your situation to.