I found a large chocolate colored very hairy New World tarantula in a pet store about a week ago that I picked up for $15.00 - it was languishing in a little corner of the store all by itself and I was very interested in it...it is quite large, about 7 inches,is definitely New World and is a covered with black guard hairs.It is rather mellow but will half heartedly go into a threat posture if really messed with.Scribbled on its container were the words "Mexican Brown" - Now I am not as familiar with the North American species of New World tarantulas as I mostly concentrate on the Asian Haplopelmas and African species but this is such a handsome looking tarantula I couldnt just leave her there to rot.I am wondering if this could be an Aphonopelma species? if so what species is she? has anyone ever heard of a Mexican Brown? any info would be appreciated.I have rehydrated and fed her and she is a very attractive and large spider.....
:? The Spider Hunter
:? The Spider Hunter