Mexican Brown ID ?????


Old Timer
Nov 2, 2002
:confused: I found a large chocolate colored very hairy New World tarantula in a pet store about a week ago that I picked up for $15.00 - it was languishing in a little corner of the store all by itself and I was very interested in is quite large, about 7 inches,is definitely New World and is a covered with black guard hairs.It is rather mellow but will half heartedly go into a threat posture if really messed with.Scribbled on its container were the words "Mexican Brown" - Now I am not as familiar with the North American species of New World tarantulas as I mostly concentrate on the Asian Haplopelmas and African species but this is such a handsome looking tarantula I couldnt just leave her there to rot.I am wondering if this could be an Aphonopelma species? if so what species is she? has anyone ever heard of a Mexican Brown? any info would be appreciated.I have rehydrated and fed her and she is a very attractive and large spider.....

:? The Spider Hunter

Tarantula Lover

Psalmopoeus Lover
Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002
What does the carapace look like? any pics? I would say Mexican Brown is not a Aphonopelma sp. It is more likely a Phormictopus cancerides, also this specie is known to reach 9"+! Very leggy, you are lucky for gettiing it for $15.00, as most go for $75 at this size! Good Luck!



Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
It could be a Texas Brown. I own a little miracle of an A. texense, and that description sounds a little bit like what Lucky looks like. Is the carapace a creamy tan color? If you'd like to see what Lucky looks like, just check out my thread about her little traumatic experience.

Tarantula Lover

Psalmopoeus Lover
Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002
Originally posted by Godzilla2000
It could be a Texas Brown. I own a little miracle of an A. texense, and that description sounds a little bit like what Lucky looks like. Is the carapace a creamy tan color? If you'd like to see what Lucky looks like, just check out my thread about her little traumatic experience.


There is no way, unless that is the biggest Aphonopelma ever, which it isnt! Aphonopelmas get 5.5" as the biggest from what i know. Spider Hunter stated that it is a whopping 7"!! That is not a Texas Brown or any other aphonopelma, especially if it is 7". It has to be a Phormictipus if not, i dont know what we are dealing with here, but for now it sounds like a Phormictopus cancerides also known as the "Haitain Brown". Hope this Helped! :D
EDIT: Also he said it is a "very big spider, and attractive" that sounds to me like the category of a Pampho or a Phormictopus. Correct me if i am wrong guys!

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Old Timer
Nov 2, 2002
It is big and very leggy too...

Tarantula Lover and Godzilla 2000

She IS a big spider and is very impressive which is why I could not pass her up for only $15.00 - I sort of had the feeling that this petshop could not care less about her as she was the only tarantula they had and she was just sitting in her container under a shelf in the back...I couldnt believe they just wanted $15.00 for her but hey...I wasnt going to complain! I rescued her and brought her home, rehydrated her and fed her some nice fat crickets....she is doing well now and like I said she is a very handsome overall dark chocolaty brown with black hairs - reasonably hairy with a dark brown carapace with irridescent purplish highlights...semi-aggressive.....not too bad in temperment.She was a real steal....and yes,Tarantula lover...I have had my suspcions that she might be a P.cancerides...that sounds like a good call on your part....could be...I wish I had a digicam I would post some pics - but I appreciate the help anyhow!!!!!!!!

The Spider Hunter

Tarantula Lover

Psalmopoeus Lover
Old Timer
Jul 21, 2002
Re: It is big and very leggy too...

Originally posted by Spider Hunter
Tarantula Lover and Godzilla 2000

She IS a big spider and is very impressive which is why I could not pass her up for only $15.00 - I sort of had the feeling that this petshop could not care less about her as she was the only tarantula they had and she was just sitting in her container under a shelf in the back...I couldnt believe they just wanted $15.00 for her but hey...I wasnt going to complain! I rescued her and brought her home, rehydrated her and fed her some nice fat crickets....she is doing well now and like I said she is a very handsome overall dark chocolaty brown with black hairs - reasonably hairy with a dark brown carapace with irridescent purplish highlights...semi-aggressive.....not too bad in temperment.She was a real steal....and yes,Tarantula lover...I have had my suspcions that she might be a P.cancerides...that sounds like a good call on your part....could be...I wish I had a digicam I would post some pics - but I appreciate the help anyhow!!!!!!!!

The Spider Hunter

No Problem :)
You got a REAL steal on this one, slings are not even that much!
Anyway, i wish you good luck with her!



Old Timer
Jan 13, 2003
If YOU can't post a pic, go to:

and look at RICK'S pictures! It has helped me identify a few, except for my brown phase g. rosea, which he didn't have a picture of but he kindly and cheerfully answered my e-mail query.

P.S. Are brown phase g. roseas more valuable? I picked MINE up for $15.00, not sure what she was. I LOVE "mystery Ts", it's so much fun finding out about them!!!!