Mature Male Appreciation Thread


Theraphosidae Rancher
Arachnosupporter +
Jan 22, 2022
Phormingochilus sp. Sabah red mature male had a photo shoot recently:

His preferred defense mechanism was to run as fast as possible and jump off the table, then curl up into a ball and bounce across the floor on landing - he's so fuzzy and fluffy, it was kind of like dropping a cotton ball...


He also played dead for quite a while - I think he held this pose for close to 15 minutes before I finally roused him:


At one point he ended up on my boot after running down my leg:


He was certainly a handful, but not really defensive at all. It took more time to dig him out of his burrow than anything. He was the second of my 5 (yes, FIVE) males to mature...


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 7, 2022
Phormingochilus sp. Sabah red mature male had a photo shoot recently:
View attachment 491108

His preferred defense mechanism was to run as fast as possible and jump off the table, then curl up into a ball and bounce across the floor on landing - he's so fuzzy and fluffy, it was kind of like dropping a cotton ball...

View attachment 491109

He also played dead for quite a while - I think he held this pose for close to 15 minutes before I finally roused him:

View attachment 491110

At one point he ended up on my boot after running down my leg:

View attachment 491111

He was certainly a handful, but not really defensive at all. It took more time to dig him out of his burrow than anything. He was the second of my 5 (yes, FIVE) males to mature...
And @ladyratri thinks she has a drama queen, lol. He’s quite a handsome handful.


Arachnosupporter +
Feb 15, 2022
And @ladyratri thinks she has a drama queen, lol. He’s quite a handsome handful.
Bah, this behavior sounds more like my 6 year old than a proper Drama Queen. They should make "Tiny Arachnid Tornado" T-shirts with 8 sleeves lol.
(Yes, my 6yo has a shirt that says "Tiny Human Tornado" on it.)

Drama Queen is *still* hanging from the ceiling lamenting her chonk-ness, waiting for gravity to relieve her of the burden that is her too-small exoskeleton. (Or his. Dunno yet. Drama Queen may yet feature on this thread someday...)

That pic on the boot though is perfect. :lol: