Male Regal Jumping Spiders...aren't they always black and females different colored?


Apr 13, 2022
I have a Regal Jumping Spider. Black and White. I'm kind of new to this, I've had this guy for a month and half or so. I read, online, that it's easy to distinguish male from female. Males are black and white, and females have the same pattern but are a different color, not black. However, either i'm wrong about this "fact" or I'm slightly color blind.

I've attached is this not a male jumping spider, and an egg obviously, one of those things cant be true...i'm assuming.


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Nicole C G

Jun 23, 2021
Ha! What a gender reveal. XP
Phidippus regius females can be black. I don’t know where you read that they are never black. That is definitely a female. Can we get more pictures?


Apr 13, 2022
Phidippus regius females can be black. I don’t know where you read that they are never black. That is definitely a female. Can we get more pictures?
I don't have a ton of pics of her and it's kind of difficult now as I don't want to disturb her in her little hammock thing here. Doing some additional research and re-reading what I had before...I think I may have misread that completely, originally. I guess the males are always black, but the females can be a different color or black? Lol am I reading that right, now?

I've had it for about a month to a month and a half, and I got it from a reptile expo...though the vendor never told me if they were wild caught or captive bred, or if this particular one had been with another male. So I don't know if these are fertile or not, ior if there is even a way to tell at this stage

Nicole C G

Jun 23, 2021
I don't have a ton of pics of her and it's kind of difficult now as I don't want to disturb her in her little hammock thing here. Doing some additional research and re-reading what I had before...I think I may have misread that completely, originally. I guess the males are always black, but the females can be a different color or black? Lol am I reading that right, now?

I've had it for about a month to a month and a half, and I got it from a reptile expo...though the vendor never told me if they were wild caught or captive bred, or if this particular one had been with another male. So I don't know if these are fertile or not, ior if there is even a way to tell at this stage
Yes, males are always black, females can be many colors. Orange, tan, white, grey, black etc.


Apr 13, 2022
Yes, males are always black, females can be many colors. Orange, tan, white, grey, black etc.
I think my confusion came from an article that worded it funny. It stated the spiders were easy to sex, because the males are always black. It may have not said it in those exact words, but the wording made me think ONLY males were black.

Do you happen to know how long one of these ladies can lay fertile eggs for? I'm more experienced in geckos lol I know a lot of gecko species can "retain sperm" and have multiple layings, even long after breeding, and the eggs still be fertile. I'm just really wondering if there is a decent chance, one way or the other, that these eggs are fertile or not.

And also, THANKS!!!! I appreciate the help

Nicole C G

Jun 23, 2021
I think my confusion came from an article that worded it funny. It stated the spiders were easy to sex, because the males are always black. It may have not said it in those exact words, but the wording made me think ONLY males were black.

Do you happen to know how long one of these ladies can lay fertile eggs for? I'm more experienced in geckos lol I know a lot of gecko species can "retain sperm" and have multiple layings, even long after breeding, and the eggs still be fertile. I'm just really wondering if there is a decent chance, one way or the other, that these eggs are fertile or not.

And also, THANKS!!!! I appreciate the help
Like what you described with geckos, Female jumping spiders can retain sperm, breeding once can allow her to lay several egg sacks for a long while after breeding.


Apr 30, 2021
theyre almost certainly fertile if she was sold by a vendor as an adult. probably wild caught. and regius can come in dozens of colors and patterns and sizes, any "its always __" is almost ALWAYS Wrong. feel free to message me if you need any help with the spiderlings or id / sex of jumping spiders in the future. at expos you should always ask a lot of questions about jumping spiders. tons of people selling them have no idea about them at all, and often get them wildcaught or from someone else. good dealers of them exist but theyre few and far between. theyre a newer part of the arachnid hobby. better to get them online from a breeder or from a local breeder.