Male Heterometrus Petersii escaping into Female's enclosure


Jul 28, 2020
I recently got a pair of H. petersii, and setup an enclosure for them both by separating an old 20 gal in half with an acrylic panel. I read that Heterometrus are generally communal, but I didn't want to take my chances with such nice looking scorpions. Today I woke up to find out that the male climbed the acrylic divider that is twice as tall as he is long and is now sitting in the female's side of the tank. I'm pretty sure he'll just do it again if I put him back on his side of the tank as he seems to be constantly testing the walls. Should I improve the barrier or just take the divider out? Also, I'm not sure what molt they're in, is it possible he climbed the acrylic to actually get to the female and mate, or did he just fall in while trying to escape? Thanks for any info.


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Albireo Wulfbooper

Aug 1, 2019
Percent surprised: 0.

Might as well just take out the divider if they're getting along alright. That's plenty of space. I mean, assuming you're okay with eventually having babies.

Dry Desert

Mar 9, 2016
Well then Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall.
If you are going to use a divider again make sure nothing is up against it, especially a 3-4 inch cork bark hide. When they reach up they stand on their tails and use their telson as anchor point. Even a water dish placed in the corner against the divider - they love them. The pair will be quite happy together, although you will have to take the male out once the female is heavily gravid, or she may kill it to protect her pending offspring.