Male and Female P. Trans Life Expectancy


Jul 3, 2022
My P.Trans came out from molting 3 days ago and I have just confirmed that it is a he. Now i wonder if there is there difference regarding life expectancy between female and male scorpions, especially Parabuthus Transvaalicus?

I am familiar that tarantulas live longer depending on the gender, but I'm not certain if this is the same case for scorpions. I've read from another thread that scorpions don't run the same schtick, but females are much more convenient since the scorpion are often caught in the wild, but I had my P.Trans since it was 2i I believe, maybe 1i; a scorpion from captive. Anyways, I wanna know more about this subject: do male scorpions live shorter than females much like tarantulas?

Btw here is my P. Trans if you're interested on seeing how hes holding up 🤍



Aug 23, 2019
My P.Trans came out from molting 3 days ago and I have just confirmed that it is a he. Now i wonder if there is there difference regarding life expectancy between female and male scorpions, especially Parabuthus Transvaalicus?

I am familiar that tarantulas live longer depending on the gender, but I'm not certain if this is the same case for scorpions. I've read from another thread that scorpions don't run the same schtick, but females are much more convenient since the scorpion are often caught in the wild, but I had my P.Trans since it was 2i I believe, maybe 1i; a scorpion from captive. Anyways, I wanna know more about this subject: do male scorpions live shorter than females much like tarantulas?

Btw here is my P. Trans if you're interested on seeing how hes holding up 🤍
Parabuthus transvaalicus can live up to 5 to 6 years maybe more but I aware of one hobbyist that claims to have had a P. transvaalicus live 10+ years. But that is anecdotal and should be taken with a grain of salt. Males do not have shorter life expectations than females.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
aware of one hobbyist that claims to have had a P. transvaalicus live 10+ years. But that is anecdotal and...
Minor rant. The ongoing biologist headache. This applies to most keepers of animals as seen on these threads. It doesn't take much more than keeping a log book and recording pertinent details to move from a hobbiest to knowledge base contributor. From just keeping animals alive to what contributes to longevity and reproductive ability. Turning outliers into fact based methodology. Just a few days, not much more than a week, in learning proper scientific methods. Sigh.


Jul 3, 2022
Parabuthus transvaalicus can live up to 5 to 6 years maybe more but I aware of one hobbyist that claims to have had a P. transvaalicus live 10+ years. But that is anecdotal and should be taken with a grain of salt. Males do not have shorter life expectations than females.
I see. So tl;dr gender play no role regarding how long a scorpion would live. gotcha, thanks a lot!