I caught a widow in my front yard a few days ago, and after doing a little research I am a confused on the id of the species. I do not have a digital camera, otherwise I would post pics. The one I caught has a perfect red hourglass on the underside that fades into yellow at the points of the hourglass. Secondly, it also has a small red splotch just beyond the cephalothorax where the abdomen begins, on the spiders backside. The splotch is about 1/2 the size of the hourglass, spherical in shape. I read that hesperus has separated hourglass markings on the underside of the abdomen, while the mactans does not. Can you even catch a mactans in california? Do I possibly have a young widow with 1 more molt to go, or would this be a "patterned" hesperus? Your help is greatly appreciated.