Loxosceles rufescens / Europe, Spain


Jan 5, 2006
Hello. I was wondering where in Europe loxosceles rufescens was located. When I try to find some information about it, it always just says "mediterranean" or "southern Europe", but then again I've also heard it's usually distributed sporadically (we have this dangerous spider in germany, too, but it's only located in 2 areas..and in the area I live in, which is the biggest state of germany there has never been even one sighting). I'm wondering especially about Spain...Catalonia...Madrid...Valencia...Sevilla...balearic islands does it live in all of those regions or just in the deep south? (Im wondering for example if it might be more spread in Sevilla/Valencia than in Barcelona which is closer to southern France for example). I've read on the balearic islands, there were absolutely no venomous/dangerous animals at all. However, I'm wondering if people take L. rufescens into account when they make such statements.

Besides: Is anybody familiar with reported bites from this species in Spain? On every page about spanish wildlife/spiders that Ive found, I read it was far less venomous than it's african cousins/in other parts of the world. I have to say I've never heard of a spider causing nasty wounds like the brown recluse spider does in Europe. Are there any cases of people being bitten from L. rufescens in Europe/Spain? If so, are any of them as nasty as those brown recluse bites from the U.S.?

You might have noticed, that I'm not exactly a fan of spider like most other people on this board probably ;-). However I don't really have a problem with spiders and can tolerate the black widow, too..but being a little aranchphobic I'm pretty scared of getting bitten in a way that I can see my bone and maybe loose an extremity or something...(even though I know its unlikely)