L.Parahybana is well up there on my wish list - I hope to be getting a few slings soon
Although Ive never kept them before I have read and heard that they are normally docile but have a habit of kicking hairs. Most people Ive spoke to who keep them say that they make good display tarantulas - they tend to stay in the open a lot. They also seem to have huge appetites and are fast growers
They also grow huge 9inchs or so?
Although I tend not to handle any T unless I have too, I assume, if they are docile, they can be handled - but once they grow big be careful of them falling.
Im sure if im wrong someone will correct me - like I said ive never kept them myself.
Also what Ive learned since getting into this hobby is its pretty hard to know what a T will do no matter what species
I've also found my sub-adult one to kick-hairs pretty readily, but no real threat-displays as of yet. Wouldn't think of handling it though, I'd get really itchy and I'd get a shaved-looking T again.
holy smokes, no you cant keep them together, unless
you want only one very fat t. They will eat each other.
I love my L. parahybana, they grow FAST, love to dig burrows, and spend half the time doing that, half the time hanging out in the open.
The kick hairs QUICK, they don't like to be handled, love to eat, and they get big.
this is my favorite T.
I have a L. parahybana sling (about 1.5 to 2") and it is loaded with attitude! I open the container and it is immediately in defensive posture. It actually charges at anything that enters the container. I wouldn't handle it, it is super quick. Oh BTW, its also an eating machine. I'd swear sometimes I can actually watch it get fatter by the minute.
I have one that's about 4-5 inches.. the sucker is very non-handlable. It attacks just about anything that comes into its cage. When I pour water in the dish, it attacks the water, if I remove the dish, it attacks the dish, if I use my tongs to grab a bolus, it attacks the tongs. It also flicks hairs at anything. Often just opening the lid to the tank causes a hair bombardment. Man, what an impressive appetite though! If it ever turns down food, you can be sure a molt is upcoming. Great display T also, mine never goes in its corkbark retreat. It just sits out in the open and dares anything to mess with it. As already mentioned, I wouldn't put two together.. even as slings. Will end up with one fat sling that way. Mines a bit of a diva in that it hasn't so much as moved the slightest bit of dirt.. though some move dirt around a lot. They aren't really deep burrowers, they just seem to think they are construction workers.. always renovating thier cage. Mines more of a pet rock though.. a rock with a massive appetite, and lots of attitude. Heres a mug shot of it with 2 superworms in its fangs..
Mine won't attack things like the waterdish being removed, or my hand trying to rearrange something, but she will come investigating, meaning come and put a foot or two on whatever is bothering her environment. She tries to climb sometimes, but that's about the sorriest thing I've ever seen
Not much of a digger, just some small holes against the corners of the tank, however she does like to halfly bury the sad downhanging leaves of the Philodendron still alive in there.
Well im sporting the "What mom doesnt know wont hurt her" Method.. she thinks i have 3 tarantulas.. got 10.. lol=D
I Say get the 20.. sell 10 and say noone will buy the other 10 and you cant just throw them out ;P
first things first
1. U don't know m,y mom;P
2. we have no big cages
3. We don't wanna pay 30 bucks a week for crickets
4. i only know one person who will buy it my teacher
5. The petshops would never take a 11 inch T
6. My friends think im looney for having a G Rosea
P.S. sorry if i sound bitchy this is not direct towards u at all don't take it personally=D =D =D =D =D
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