I was wondering if a suitable second T to get is an Lasiodora Parahybana, i am not going to handle it and i think i should be ok,, just wondering what you guys think, like do i have to mist everyday and keep high humidity
i am also getting one and i've been told that dry is fine with a water bowl. and yeah i'm not an expert but i think an lp is a good one [it's my second too lol ]
No, you don't need to - just let the water dish overflow a bit when you refill, so that a small part of the substrate gets moist. mine will occasionally hover over that moist area, but most often she's on the dry side of the tank.
My second T was an LP. It was tiny when I got it, last October. It is now around 6" and doing fine with just a water dish that's overflowed every now and then and just a few fake plants and a coconut hide. A great, hardy, and gigantic tarantula. Good choice. Just watch out for the u-hairs.
I am getting a 2.5 inch LP in a few days, it's actually gonna be my first T. I've kept an enclosure ready now for 2 weeks to experiment with temp and humidity. I have read that they should be kept at 70F and 70% humidity. I kept a space heater in the room and that kept the temp at a constant 75 but the humidity wouldn't rise above 30% no matter how much I overflowed the water dish, I even covered most of the top of the enclosure with seram wrap, and still no good. I decided to turn the space heater off and see what happens, the humidity now stays at a constant 70% but the temp is 65F. This time of year my house doesn't get any warmer than that. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks
LPs are awesome. They are very hardy, are in the "Best of" class when it comes to eating, grow quickly, aren't likely to bite, and look pretty for a brown spider.
Only downside? U-hair. They are usually somewhat skittish, but not as skittish as many others. Enjoy guys!
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